Episode #367 – Fake Mormon News

This Week in Mormons show

Summary: <br> <br> The TWiM Sisters are back in action. Join Tiffany Hales and Arianne Smith as they discuss being Mormon moms as well as the news of the day.<br> <br> Let's talk about modesty shaming teenagers and how ineffective a "tool" it is to promote modesty. Tiffany shares a story about her daughter being called out for her shorts by a leader her daughter didn't even know. How is this productive?<br> <br> Is Inspired Guns a good movie? No.<br> <br> The Sisters continue their obsession with discovering details about Al's wedding and his wife. They do not yet understand that we will never give in and never surrender.<br> <br> What Father's Day traditions do you have in your ward? Do the fathers get as much recognition as the mothers on Mother's Day? Tiffany talks about inequality in not allowing missionaries to call home on both Mother's Day and Father's Day.<br> <br> Lastly, what's up with Sodalicious, Swig, and the like? But seriously, what is up with this industry?<br> <br> In important news, LDS Living hits the pavement hard with a story about a Mormon family that runs—like seriously runs—in Crocs. You know Crocs, right? The shoes that aren't meant for anything more than ridicule? Apparently one can run in them. And be Mormon. At the same time.<br> <br> In an instance of more fake Mormon news, apparently Johnny Depp took a copy of a Book of Mormon from some missionaries five years ago while filming flop The Lone Ranger. Look, we know this was only reposted because of #synergy with the latest Pirates movie coming out, but come on.<br> <br> Kourtney Kardashian posts an uncaptioned photo of the Los Angeles California Temple and Mormons FREAK THE FREAK OUT.<br> <br> The Church will return tithing money from a financial adviser who bilked his clients for $25 million. But we don't need fiduciary laws.<br> <br> Also, the Sisters favorite things.