Episode #368 – Fear the Walking Dwayne

This Week in Mormons show

Summary: <br> <br> Much love to all of you! Welcome to another week of humor, pathos, and one of us eating while recording.<br> <br> We'd like to thank the TWiM Sisters for their contributions of late. Keep a lookout for their next episode in a few weeks.<br> <br> Arguably the biggest story of the week is that of 12-year-old Savannah, who in prepared remarks, shared her testimony and also used the opportunity to come out. However, before she was finished, her microphone cut out and a member of the stake presidency, who was presiding, asked her to sit down, thus setting off a firestorm in the media. This is a delicate issue, for sure. How should leaders respond in situations like this? How should we act when bearing our testimonies? Kurt Francom of LeadingLDS wrote a piece about this from the leadership perspective, and we have plenty of thoughts on the entire episode.<br> <br> Hey! VidAngel is back! We're excited about that. But, um, VidAngel isn't exactly operating above board because it's hacking Netflix's code with your login credentials in order to filter Netflix content. Does that seem shady? It is. We don't expect VidAngel 2.0 to last, but we're thrilled to be able to watch hard R content from the comfort of our computer.<br> <br> Some of you following our Facebook page might have seen a recent photo share of an engaged couple's super Disney wedding invitations. We said nothing derogatory (other than a sarcastic use of "belligerents" when referring to the couple), only mentioning that this goes into our discussions on Mormons' disproportionate love of Disney. Anyway, the excrement hit the ventilator, and the father of one of these lovely young individuals, Dwayne, made it a personal vendetta to crush our hopes and dreams. This episode is for Dwayne and the rage he's clearly pent up over 40+ years.<br> <br> <br> <br> Yes friends. He made a Facebook event. We love.<br> <br> Do you like BYU-Idaho's Pathway program? Many do, including international students. And therein lays the potential problem: Pathway might cannibalize the Perpetual Education Fund as students in developing countries opt for an affordable degree from BYU instead of a loan to obtain a degree from a not-as-great school back home.<br> <br> In present-day Nauvoo, Illinois, a city council member essentially threatened to tar and feather Mormons. In 2017. The issue here is that Mormons have actually moved into Nauvoo again since the construction of the new Nauvoo Illinois Temple. It's basically a repeat of the past: Mormons come to small town. Mormons take over small town. Non-Mormon locals freak out.<br> <br> Should a bishop's release take over sacrament meeting with testimonies from spouses, counselors, et al, many of which are not actual testimonies, but "thank-imonies"? Kurt Francom says no. Let's keep sacrament meeting about sacrament meeting and keep ward business ward business. Al disagrees, arguing that a bishopric change is a major milestone for a ward family and is an exceptional circumstance.<br> <br> LDS Business College is now selling caffeinated soda, proving once and for all that LDSBC is better than BYU, which still refuses to sell it because of purported "lack of demand." Yeah, no.<br> <br> A few Church manuals still dissuade interracial marriage. Yeah, that's still a thing. The references are reasonably obscure, and we don't think this is a big narrative of the Church in this day and age, but the fact remains the counsel is there and hasn't been redacted.<br> <br> Many of you know that Elder D. Todd Christofferson was involved in the Watergate scandal (D. T. Christofferson... Deep Throat...). In actuality, he clerked for a federal judge during all of it, and the apostle spoke last week at length about his experience. Pretty fascinating. Give it a read.<br> <br> Other news: The Salt Lake Tribune has myriad steps to improve race relations within the Church; Elder Balla...