Episode #372 – We Have A Culture, I’m Sure

This Week in Mormons show

Summary: <br> <br> The TWiM Sisters return to break down the news and talk traditions and their favorite things.<br> <br> Please <a href="https://www.patreon.com/thisweekinmormons" target="_blank" rel="noopener">support TWiM on Patreon</a>! $1 per month from all of you will make all the difference in the world.<br> <br> How was your Pioneer Day? Tiffany and Arianne have differing perspectives on the holiday, living in different areas of the Mormon Belt. How is Pioneer Day for you if you're outside of the main Mormon Corridor?<br> <br> 5th Sunday third hour lessons: good or bad?<br> <br> Arianne has never been close to a local open house, but with the Meridian Idaho Temple coming near completion, a cultural celebration is in order. But what does one do for a cultural celebration in a suburb of Boise?! Demonstrate love for the interstate? Free advertising for Sonic? These cultural celebrations make loads of sense abroad or for a region that has never had a temple, but the Meridian Idaho Temple is less than nine miles from the Boise Idaho Temple. So...<br> <br> As for news, Elder Holland did something we don't see very often. <a href="http://www.deseretnews.com/article/865685840/Elder-Holland-withdraws-Church-News-missionary-story.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener">He redacted</a> a faith-affirming story he had shared at a training for mission presidents, explaining that the story as it had been related to him was not entirely accurate. That's a good move. Now, you might recall on the last episode with the Sisters that Tiffany said, "I would not have believed the story if it didn't come from an apostle." Does this call into question how much we can trust apostolic anecdotes? Is this Paul H. Dunn all over again? No. Ever the academic, Elder Holland did the right thing and set a good example for all of us, though he did admit that he heard the story second hand. It's important to fact check faith-promoting stories.<br> <br> US Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona comes out swinging against Trump, and an enterprising Huffington Post blogger feels that if Flake, Mitt Romney, and other Mormons had been more aggressive about stopping Donald Trump from winning the presidency, <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/the-mormons-couldve-saved-us_us_5980766ce4b0cb4fc1c73c22?ncid=engmodushpmg00000004" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Mormons would have fallen in line</a> and voted for Hillary or Evan McMullin, denying Trump an Electoral College victory. However, the argument is riddled with flaws, and Tiffany has plenty to say about it.<br> <br> BYU finds that there are only <a href="http://universe.byu.edu/2017/07/28/byu-professors-study-facebook-users-possible-move-to-other-platforms1/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">four types of Facebook users:</a> Selfies, Window Shoppers, Town Criers, and Relationship Builders. Window Shoppers are clearly the worst of them all. Why are you here, Window Shopper?! But what about MLM users? Shouldn't that be its own category? WE DON'T WANT YOUR RODAN + FIELDS!<br> <br> <a href="http://thisweekinmormons.com/2017/07/new-poll-shows-growing-acceptance-of-polygamy/">A new Gallup poll</a> shows Americans increasingly accepting of polygamy on moral grounds, if not legal ones. Will Mormons follow suit with the overall population? Will polygamy be legalized at some point due to same-sex marriage already having done so?<br> <br> Elizabeth Smart <a href="http://www.dailyherald.com/article/20170728/entlife/307289784/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">has helped produce</a> a Lifetime (*sigh* yes, Lifetime) movie about her 2002 kidnapping ordeal. Initially, Smart was reluctant to dramatize her experience, but she realized doing so responsibly could be a force for good. She narrates the new film while actors portray the events.<br> <br> Two former mission companions reunite decades later, but not at some event put on by a former mission president over General Con...