Episode #378 – Temple Guilt

This Week in Mormons show

Summary: <br> <br> Al and Geoff are back in the saddle with our pre-General Conference episode!<br> <br> Should you feel guilty if you make temple attendance goals and fail? How reasonable is it, truly, to push to attend the temple more often?<br> <br> The Church <a href="http://thisweekinmormons.com/2017/09/lds-church-purchases-book-mormon-printers-manuscript-35-million/">purchased the original printer's manuscript</a> of the Book of Mormon from the Community of Christ for a cool $35 million. Yep, million. How do we feel about relics and the huge costs therein? Who was responsible for the price? Did the Community of Christ set it and forget it? Also, <a href="https://www.facebook.com/thisweekinmormons/photos/a.182495891787813.31831.118951004808969/1459157654121624/?type=3" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Fox News had terrific coverage</a> of the event.<br> <br> Caffeine is here! BYU has been liberated! For those who somehow missed it, <a href="http://thisweekinmormons.com/2017/09/byu-opens-doors-sinful-behavior-offers-caffeinated-soda-coke/">BYU changed its rules to allow the sale of caffeinated sodas</a>, and both the media and the <a href="https://www.facebook.com/thisweekinmormons/photos/a.182495891787813.31831.118951004808969/1459228424114547/?type=3" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Mormon internets</a> <a href="https://www.facebook.com/thisweekinmormons/photos/a.182495891787813.31831.118951004808969/1458937360810320/?type=3" target="_blank" rel="noopener">lost their minds</a>.<br> <br> Hey! <a href="http://thisweekinmormons.com/2017/09/lindsey-stirling-join-season-dancing-stars/">Lindsey Stirling was on Dancing With The Stars last week,</a> and she's still alive! If you want to hear a rundown of Mormons in reality or competition television, check out <a href="http://thisweekinmormons.com/2017/09/episode-377-reality-check/">last week's episode with the TWiM Sisters</a>.<br> <br> In other entertainment news, Killers singer <a href="http://thisweekinmormons.com/2017/09/killers-brandon-flowers-discusses-biggest-misunderstanding-mormonism/">Brandon Flowers thinks Mormonism is misunderstood</a> mostly because it's new. We expect the mystical and fantastic from ancient scripture, but we don't expect it in the 19th century.<br> <br> Are you into finding nepotism where it might not exist? If so, you'll love that President Henry B. Eyring <a href="https://www.deseretnews.com/article/865689162/Like-father-like-son-President-Eyring-installs-President-Eyring-at-BYU-Idaho.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener">just installed his son, Henry J. Eyring</a>, as president of BYU-Idaho (the lesser BYU).<br> <br> Meanwhile, BYU-Provo (the greater BYU) has <a href="http://thisweekinmormons.com/2017/09/full-scale-biblical-tabernacle-replica-display-brigham-young-university/">installed a full-scale replica of the ancient tabernacle</a>. Head on down south and check it out.<br> <br> Many wish the Church would do "more" with regard to humanitarian work, whether in the form of money or in organization, like becoming a larger, more robust, fully fledged and staffed NGO. But it's not as simple as that. <a href="https://bycommonconsent.com/2017/09/21/lds-institutional-priorities/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Carolyn Homer has a great new piece</a> at By Common Consent about some of the structural limitations that are actually present in the Church.<br> <br> Allure Magazine has a segment about Mormon women and beauty "standards" and BOY has it blown up on the interwebs. <a href="https://imgur.com/a/aTiRE" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Check it out for yourself </a>and let us know what you think.<br> <br> Other news: <a href="http://www.good4utah.com/news/local-news/poll-23-of-active-lds-members-want-medical-marijuana/815228251" target="_blank" rel="noopener">two-thirds of active Utah Mormons support legalized medical marijuana</a>, the Philippines gets a <a href="https://www.deseretnews."></a>