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Europe Calling show

Summary: Spain has not joined the group of European countries most critical of the death of dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi, who went missing on October 2 after walking into Saudi Arabia’s consulate in Istanbul................... A Spanish-Saudi consortium has built the high-speed train to Mecca, a €6.7-billion project that began in 2011 and was inaugurated this month. SPAIN’S ruling political party has reportedly watered down plans to reform laws which have seen protests banned after the Prime Minister previously said changes were urgently needed. FIFTY FIVE immigrants who scaled the fence between Morocco and the Spanish enclave of Melilla on Sunday have already been expelled from Spain. Theye were amongst a group of more than 200 who broke through police lines to enter Melilla in an attempt to gain entry to Spain. Cristina de Borbón, sister to Spain’s King Felipe VI, is getting preferential treatment from prison authorities on her visits to her husband Iñaki Urdangarin, who is serving a five-year, 10-month sentence at Brieva penitentiary, in Ávila province. The city of Alicante suffered up to 71 bombings during the Spanish Civil War from 1936 to 1939. In these guided tours, visitors are introduced to the historical and social context that surrounds the construction and use of shelters in the city of Alicante. In the UK Hate preacher Anjem Choudary has been seen out and about with a woman, thought to be his wife, for the first time since he was freed from jail. The Queen has spoken publicly about Brexit for the first time, telling the King of the Netherlands that 'shared values' are what binds Britain to Europe as she 'looks to a new partnership'. Ninestiles School, which educates 1,345 pupils aged 11-18 and is rated ‘outstanding’ by Ofsted inspectors, wrote to parents about the change last week. The letter said: ‘All student movement including to and from assembly, at lesson changeover and towards communal areas at break and lunch will be carried out in silence. .............catbail, Farnham, United Kingdom, about 2 hours ago What surprises me is how these days students have to change classrooms for each lesson. When I was at school (a grammar school), we had our own form room and teachers came to us, apart from science which was in labs obviously, and art, which was in the studio.................... A six-year-old girl saved her mother's life after telling her teacher: 'My Daddy is hu rting my Mummy'. Jodie Keegans, 36, endured three years of domestic abuse by her controlling husband Scott Keegans - described by a judge as one of the most ' Satanic' cases he'd seen before Keegans was jailed for 18 years last month. Alar m bells were initially raised when Jodie's 'superhero' daughter told her teacher about Keegans' abuse in October last year...................... A colleague of mine was travelling back from abroad a few weeks ago and no sooner had the plane touched down than the man in front of him powered up his mobile phone, connected to the internet and started to watch pornography. My colleague was horrified ............