Tragedy at Leicester City

Europe Calling show

Summary: German Chancellor Angela Merkel will step down as German Chancellor, a position she has held since 2005, when her current term ends in 2021, a source inside her CDU party has said. Two seven-year-old children have died in the Mediterranean as hundreds of migrants sought to reach Spain from Morocco, a Spanish NGO said Saturday. Meanwhile 16 Moroccan migrants were reported missing after another boat capsized off the coast of north Morocco. According to the International Organization for Migration (IOM) 42,500 migrants have arrived by sea in Spain since the start of the year and another 433 have been killed during the journey, ....... SPANISH naval ship has stopped an illegal whaling ship off the coast of Somalia as part of ongoing efforts to tackle piracy off the Horn of Africa. The Castilla assault vessel intercepted the whaler near to Somalia’s coast line last Saturday morning. A WATERSPOUT on the island of Menorca on Sunday left a trail of destruction and 38,000 residents without electricity. Spain’s Minister of Ecological Transition, Teresa Ribera, confirmed the damage to numerous electricity infrastructures, telephone cables and homes which occurred around 10am on Sunday morning. Spanish police said Sunday they had smashed a trafficking ring which brought Romanians, many of them with disabilities, to Spain where they were forced to beg in the streets dressed as mimes and human statues. ...................... A year after threatening the unity of Spain with an attempt to declare independence, The former Catalan president Carles Puigdemont launched a new party on Saturday, as he tries to rally separatists from his base in Belgium. In the UK the helicopter crash which killed the chairman Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha's at Leicester City's ground has dominated the news. Prince William described him saying: 'He was a businessman of strong values who was dedicated to his family and who supported a number of important charitable causes. He made such a big contribution to football'. The billionaire perished with his assistant Kaveporn Punpare and Nursara Suknamai, a Thai beauty queen turned PA. The AW169 AgustaWestland helicopter's hero pilot Eric Swaffer and his girlfriend co-pilot Izabela Lechowicz also died - but potentially saved hundreds of lives by crashing away from the crowds of fans. Meghan Markle and Prince Harry met Tonga's King Tupou VI and his wife Queen Nanasipau'u at the Commonwealth Canopy Tupou College and as is custom for a duke and duchess, greeted them with a bow and a curtsy . This is the disturbing moment Keith Maden (inset, bottom), 59, lay dying in the street after he was viciously attacked when he tried to enter a chicken shop only to find the entrance blocked by student Jafar Ali ........... Huge farms of computers used to mine Bitcoin produce the same amount of carbon dioxide per year as every car in the UK combined, warns a new study. The y could produce enough greenhouse gases to raise global temperatures 2C (3.6F) within the next 15 years. This level of warming is forecast to bring catastro phic droughts, flooding and storms to regions across the globe by scientists. ............... The Chase is one of the most popular quiz shows on TV - but how do you beat The Chaser? People are now even accusing the chase of cheating........