Housekeeping for December

United States of Geekdom show

Summary: Hey everybody Rick here with our housekeeping for December 2010. I am not even sure I was able to knock out one of these in November. Regardless, here is the one for December and the last one for this year. Here is the audio from this final housekeeping for the year. Because it is the last one for the year, Cole and I decided it would be best to just record a little something for you guys. Enjoy. The notes are below. We have a huge announcement coming out of All-Con 2011 which is in March on the 18, 19, and 20th of that month. Among the many other things we are doing at the con, I will be partaking in a historic panel that will be a tremendous amount of fun. Here is the release from the All-Con website! For the first time ever at All-Con or anywhere, podcasters will join forces and present a truly historic event. Join, Andy of USG as he moderates a discussion panel featuring some of the best podcasting talent to hit your ipod all in the same room at the same time! Andy Siems and John Jansen from Hollywood Saloon, Hunter Duesing from the Midnight Movie Cowboys, Jim Dirkes and Clarkson Campbell of the Film Thugs Movie Show, Jason Walstrom and Stephen Sisk of Nowhere in Mulberry, and Rick Gutierrez of United States of Geekdom as they talk about how to get into podcasting and why they do what they do among many other things! Needless to say, I am excited about this particular event at the con. All of these guys run some amazing shows and are all great guys and friends of this show. Also, the training montage is now in active development. I do believe we are going to begin shooting it sometime in January. We have come up with some incredibly funny bits to throw in there and it should be most definitely worth the wait. Though I think we might be making a couple of changes to what we were going to originally do which was use the song from Karate Kid. I think we might just go with the score from the Rocky training montage instead. I am not sure. We have a new writer on the site and that is our Anime Geek Jacque. (Pronounced Jackie) She is very excited to be a part of USG and knows her stuff when it comes to Anime. She really does. She proceeded to school me on the topic Things have been busy for us here at USG this past two months due to the holidays so I didn't have the opportunity to formally welcome her so let me take this opportunity to say welcome to the USG Jacque. We hope you survive the experience! We are almost to the halfway point of our shows as far as our first 40 episodes. Episode 25 is promising to be truly epic. Just what the topic is, I will not say just yet. It will be a lot of fun to do though. Our next episode will be about Blaxploitation films and we are going to have another special guest on the show. If you listen to Midnight Movie Cowboys, (and you definitely should if you listen to this show) you will have heard Stu rave about this particular genre of movie. Being a longtime fan of these movies myself, I have to agree on his sentiments. Wow.....apparently I had a lot to say in this particular edition of Housekeeping. Here is one final thing. I am NOT going to San Diego Comicon for 2011. I recently got called by my alumni counselor at the college I am attending. I am in the home stretch for my classes and I am due to be done with school in May and I graduate in July. Problem is, Comicon is also in July. Do I go to the convention? Or do I walk and get my diploma? I chose the diploma. I have been wanting to finish school for entirely too long now and I can finally see the light at the end of that proverbial tunnel. Having said that, there is something even more ambitious going on for AFTER I graduate. It is only appropriate that because my son turns three in 2011 that we go somewhere special. Just where exactly? You will find out soon enough but this should be a tremendous amount of fun! Otherwise, that is all I have. We keep hitting some great numbers and I know that you guys are loving the show. We of the USG truly appreciate the support of the listeners and the fans and 2011 is already promising to be an even bigger year for us as we continue to bring out more episodes, more videos, and more awesomeness in the way that only USG can provide! Keep that feedback coming! Until next time, stay geeky!