7 Youths Taken to Hell

Jesus Christ is here now! show

Summary: Part 1 of 2 Part series:  7 Youths Taken to Hell then come back to share what they saw and heard.  Part 2 contains the same youths visiting heaven.  Luke 16:19-31; Acts 2:31 Prior to Christ's resurrection all the dead went to Sheol, Hades (Ps. 89:48). Jacob said, "'I shall go down into the grave [sheol]'" (Gen. 37:35). When the earth opened "its mouth" to swallow the wicked Korah and his company, they went "'down alive into the pit [sheol]'" (Num. 16:30).  When Christ died, He went into the grave (hades) but at the Resurrection His soul left the grave (hades, Acts 2:27, 31, or sheol, Ps. 16:10). Rev. 20:13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hades delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works.