United States of Geekdom Episode 41: "Once More Unto the Breach Dear Friends!"

United States of Geekdom show

Summary: Miss us?  Welcome back to the United States of Geekdom, the podcast that talks about what makes us geeks go tick!  We are thrilled to bring you this, our 41st episode!  We kick off the new season of USG with a talk about how sci-fi made us go and check out the materials that it might have been based on and  also how it might have prompted us to even check out Shakespeare! Also, Andy breaks Catherine, and we manage to traumatize Andy yet again on multiple occasions throughout the episode.  Not gonna lie to you, our exuberance gets the better of us and we get a little potty mouthed.  Even still, we had a blast recording the episode and we hope you enjoy listening to it as well! Music and audio clips used in this episode: Back in the Saddle by Aerosmith (very appropriate) and a couple of bits from Kenneth Branagh's version of Henry V just to class things up...and also because we are talking Shakespeare. Listen to the show.  We have been gone too long for you not to. Enjoy and thanks for listening! It's good to be back! Next Episode? DON'T PANIC