United States of Geekdom Episode 59: USG's Main Event!

United States of Geekdom show

Summary: Welcome to the United States of Geekdom, the podcast that talks about what makes us Geeks go tick!  We bring you this, our 59th episode where Rick and Andrew are joined by Francisco and Tyler of USG West Coast as we discuss professional wrestling.  Now, this is not a usual topic for us.  Turns out, we happen to know quite a bit about this as it is just as geeky as any other topic that we have covered on the show for the past 58 episodes.    How so?  Just listen to find out!  Also, we are aware that we might have missed a few favorite wrestlers that are just as iconic as the ones we DID mention and we are pretty sure this topic will get revisited further down the road.  Next episode?  Our All-Con Special!  OH!  And stay tuned for April 1st for a very special episode!  Thanks for listening!  Stay Geeky!