An Emotional Reset: I Am Energized (45 min)

Happy Mind: Meditations from the Ancient World to Modernity show

Summary: <p>Are you feeling sad, or anxious, or lonely? Or do you get angry or scattered? All these states of mind are nothing more than energy in a particular pattern. You are a self-existing and self-maintaining organism. Your energy is one with the energy all around you and throughout the universe. And this energy wants to move. That is the natural order of things. It takes a lot of energy to prevent energy from moving or to hold it in a particular pattern. For you to be upset or unhappy in any way for more than a moment you must be holding on, for it is the nature of energy is to change. How do you know if you are holding? How do you know it is time to let go? It is not an intellectual process. It has to be something that you experience and therefore know. The body doesn’t lie. It just reports. You choose whether to listen to those reports and you choose what value and valence you attach to those reports. In this meditation, you will connect with your breath and your heartbeat and use it to sense the light and the energy that is your true nature. The more you master the very simple technique of slowing down and controlling your awareness, the better you will get at sensing the light and power that belongs to you. This is how you become aware of your energy and how it flows. The old stories about “Falling from Grace” or getting booted out of the Garden of Eden are really metaphors for humans forgetting how to awaken to their own power and energy and light. Being cast out of Eden just means that you are unconsciously blocking the free-flowing universal life force from moving into and through your body. So you can use this meditation to help you reconnect with your inherent energy and power and light.</p><br><p>This is a 45 minute version of the I Am Energized guided meditation.</p><br><hr><p style="color: grey; font-size: 0.75em;"> See <a style="color: grey;" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=""></a> for privacy and opt-out information.</p>