E93 Principle Five for a Biz4Good Life!

Biz4Good Show show

Summary: <br> <br> Principle #5: Our Thoughts- The true concept behind thoughts are what controls you and what moves your life.<br>  <br> The Biz4GoodShow<br> #Begooddogood #Biz4goodshow #Goodagainstthenoise<br> <br>  <br> About The Show<br> Welcome to the <a href="https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&amp;rct=j&amp;q=&amp;esrc=s&amp;source=web&amp;cd=1&amp;cad=rja&amp;uact=8&amp;ved=2ahUKEwjnp4awzc3dAhXeIjQIHR11A7QQFjAAegQIBBAC&amp;url=http%3A%2F%2Fbiz4goodshow.com%2F&amp;usg=AOvVaw1051SUhADJ1RffPjOOjoEO">Biz4GoodShow</a>, introducing your hosts Bobby Glen James &amp; the… Ryan Pilkington. Where we highlight misfits outcasts and renegades for the being good and doing good movement. We spotlight people that are changing the world by having integrity and honesty and creating an environment of connection, thus showing the true seeker to success and creating a life of greater impact. So come on board and create your own Biz4Good Life. #GoodAgainstTheNoise #BeGoodDoGood #Biz4GoodShow<br> Follow us on: <a href="https://www.instagram.com/biz4goodshow/">Instagram</a>, <a href="https://www.facebook.com/biz4goodshow/">Facebook</a>, <a href="https://twitter.com/biz4goodshow">Twitter</a>, <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/company/biz4goodshow.com/">LinkedIn</a>, <a href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH22GeW6mGFxqenJsbdTPow">Youtube</a>, <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/biz4good-show/id1193849845?mt=2">iTunes</a>, <a href="https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/ryan-pilkington/biz4goodshowcom">Stitcher</a>, <a href="https://open.spotify.com/show/7I8IrWVZZHVwHyrBwcAyt0?si=m4Gb7vjVRyy3m--VfboS5Q">Spotify</a>, <a href="https://play.google.com/music/listen#/ps/Igvyfucbwaygv7ogtzadlnfcagu">Google Play Music</a>, <a href="http://www.digitalpodcast.com/feeds/87465-biz4good-show">Digital Podcast</a>, and all other podcast outlets.<br>  <br> Episode Discovery<br> <br> * Principle #5: Our Thoughts<br> * The founding of the Biz4GoodShow and why.<br> * How to overcome hardships and change your whole mindset. <br> * How to become a better person and live to be an example to others.<br> * How to be positive and keep positive.<br> <br>  <br> Quotes From The Show<br> <br> * Get out there, do some good, and create a better life for yourself and others. People are people. -Bobby Glen James<br> <br> <br> * Do something with your voice, whether anybody listens or not. We are just living our voice. -Bobby Glen James<br> <br> <br> * Be positive and keep positive. -Bobby Glen James<br> <br> <br> * The intention behind what you do really matters. -Dontrell Morrow<br> <br> <br> * Live to be an example to others. -Dontrell Morrow<br> <br> <br> * Your thoughts are what define your integrity, the person you are, and the actions you put forth. -Sedrick Jacobsen<br> <br> <br> * Exercise self mastery and your thoughts will help you better commit, and become a better person. -Sedrick Jacobsen<br> <br> <br> * There is no light in the shadows and there is no darkness within good thoughts. It is physically impossible for our minds to think two things at the same time. -Ryan Pilkington and Bobby Glen James<br> <br> <br> * It’s interesting, when you look into a fire your mind drifts, but it never bleeds into the darkness. -Ryan Pilkington<br> <br> <br> * When you move forward with life, and you are making decisions, the intention that you have behind what you do is what really matters. -Dontrell Morrow<br> <br> <br> * It’s about taking those hardships in your life, overcoming them, and setting an example for others and teaching those how to change their whole mindset. -Bobby Glen James<br> <br>  <br>  Words of The Day<br> Fantastically Molastic<br> Mantabulous<br> Womanasticks<br>  <br> Episode Notes: Principle Five for a Biz4Good Life!<br> Welcome to the Biz4GoodShow. I am your host Bobby Glen James with the… Rya...