E94 Who Changed my Social Media with Boyd Petersen of BP Media

Biz4Good Show show

Summary: <br> <br> How-to-gain more clients and viewers on social media, helping businesses grow, and connecting with those that need assistance. Soar to new heights. Let BP Media help you!<br>  <br> The Biz4GoodShow<br> #Begooddogood #Biz4goodshow #Goodagainstthenoise<br> <br>  <br> About The Show<br> Welcome to the <a href="https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&amp;rct=j&amp;q=&amp;esrc=s&amp;source=web&amp;cd=1&amp;cad=rja&amp;uact=8&amp;ved=2ahUKEwjnp4awzc3dAhXeIjQIHR11A7QQFjAAegQIBBAC&amp;url=http%3A%2F%2Fbiz4goodshow.com%2F&amp;usg=AOvVaw1051SUhADJ1RffPjOOjoEO">Biz4GoodShow</a>, introducing your hosts Bobby Glen James &amp; the… Ryan Pilkington. Where we highlight misfits outcasts and renegades for the being good and doing good movement. We spotlight people that are changing the world by having integrity and honesty and creating an environment of connection, thus showing the true seeker to success and creating a life of greater impact. So come on board and create your own Biz4Good Life. #GoodAgainstTheNoise #BeGoodDoGood #Biz4GoodShow<br> Follow us on: <a href="https://www.instagram.com/biz4goodshow/">Instagram</a>, <a href="https://www.facebook.com/biz4goodshow/">Facebook</a>, <a href="https://twitter.com/biz4goodshow">Twitter</a>, <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/company/biz4goodshow.com/">LinkedIn</a>, <a href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH22GeW6mGFxqenJsbdTPow">Youtube</a>, <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/biz4good-show/id1193849845?mt=2">iTunes</a>, <a href="https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/ryan-pilkington/biz4goodshowcom">Stitcher</a>, <a href="https://open.spotify.com/show/7I8IrWVZZHVwHyrBwcAyt0?si=m4Gb7vjVRyy3m--VfboS5Q">Spotify</a>, <a href="https://play.google.com/music/listen#/ps/Igvyfucbwaygv7ogtzadlnfcagu">Google Play Music</a>, <a href="http://www.digitalpodcast.com/feeds/87465-biz4good-show">Digital Podcast</a>, and all other podcast outlets.<br>  <br> Who is Boyd Petersen?<br> He has been working with online marketing for over a decade and is an expert in video, digital and social media marketing. He has worked with companies like Capital One Bank, Frontier Communications, Jive Telecommunications, and many other companies in need of marketing assistance. <br> Petersen trains those in the marketing and business world on how-to-gain more clients and viewers on social media. Often times, people fail because it was either too hard, cost too much, or took too much time. Petersen is here to make sure you receive the best training with his program BP Media, helping businesses to create posts and engagements for an entire week in less than two hours. The best part about this program is it brings in new prospects that are qualified and ready to start their business career. <br> In November 2015 Petersen finished his first business book “<a href="http://www.bpmedia.com/beyondhambook/">Beyond Hot Air Marketing</a>,” It is all about setting up your own marketing plan, implementing it, and it is designed to help get the plan developed and give several marketing advertising examples and how they can be applied to business. <br> Watch out for Petersen’s next book, looking to be released February 2018. All about building an online business.<br> Social Media &amp; BP Media:<br> <a href="https://www.facebook.com/boyd.petersen1?__tn__=%2Cdl%2CP-R&amp;eid=ARAlVOAKxtdtzHfJrqPhhAGBRE3VlK6KnbofthXJmBPjI0D8HriYiM_a2vDjClsCTyRYzzO6ZMUubnEC">Facebook</a>,<a href="https://www.instagram.com/boydpetersen/"> Instagram</a>, <a href="https://twitter.com/boydpete">Twitter</a>, <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/boydpetersen/">LinkedIn</a>, and <a href="http://www.bpmedia.com/?fbclid=IwAR2TzA0nLYb8r3S0s9vZ3nFG2I2NYLxj-ZLuYN4BaRi58SsHnrkbRRcAP1s">BP Media</a><br>  <br> Episode Discovery<br> <br> * If you would like a Biz4GoodShow wrist band, email info@biz4goodshow.com<br> <br> <br> * What can we do to be heard in a digital world?<br> <br> <br>