Protection In His Presence

The Pure Worship Podcast show

Summary: Are you or someone you know struggling with fear, panic attacks, sleeplessness, or anxiety? It may seem too simple a fix, but in this week's podcast, Josh and Jeff put forth the scriptural notion that engaging in intimate relationship with the Prince of Peace is the answer to many of today's issues, whether it’s danger from terrorists and natural disasters or problems with mental health. We're way too quick to attempt to tap into natural solutions when God is calling us to reach out for his supernatural help. We look to medicine and counseling without truly developing deep and personal relationship with the God who is our Great Physician and who’s Spirit is our Comforter and Counselor. It’s simply not enough to say a few prayers and then move on to other means. God is inviting us to dwell daily in his presence in order that we walk in freedom and healing, protection and security in every area of our lives.