The Mead House show

Summary: From a previous interview we did with Steve Piatz, author of The Complete Guide to Making Mead, talks about the flavor compounds in honey vs. grapes that sometimes will leave a dry traditional seem a little flat. He also discusses temperature control plus some pointers on balance. The guys review a few samples sent around by the crew and finally, Ryan puts on a demonstration for a braggot for the Minnesota Home Brew Association. Here's the ingredients for Ryan's demo. We're not responsible for your outcome, we only offer this so you can come up with your own result. Make sure and listen to the show for more! 3.15 lbs Munich LME 3.15 lbs Marris Otter LME 2 lbs Belgian Candi Sugar (dark) 5 lbs Wildflower honey (step feed) 1 oz Pacific Gem hops (15min)