The Confidence Podcast Archives - Trish Blackwell show

Summary: PODCAST #289:<br> HOW TO BE HAPPY WITH WHERE YOU ARE ON YOUR JOURNEY<br> In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're chatting about:<br> <br> How to stop comparing yourself to where you think you should be<br> Putting yourself in triage for support from being a self-abuser (disguised as "just being hard on yourself" or as "having high expectations"<br> Figuring out what you really want in life and what will fill you with happiness (and how to get it) <br> <br> This podcast is sponsored in part today by my newest program, The Donut Diet.  It’s time to stand up to the bully of shame around food and around your body in your life and to taste the sweetness that life (and food) have to offer!  The Donut Diet is only available for a few weeks, so if you are ready to be done with emotional eating, then get started now at www.thedonutdiet.com<br> <br> <br> HOW TO STOP COMPARING YOURSELF TO WHERE YOU THINK YOU SHOULD BE<br> <br> Challenge your preexisting definitions of success<br> Get clarity on what you really want in life<br> Perspective shift to a larger lens<br> Ask yourself what really matters<br> Know that you are enough, right now, today, because God says you are<br> <br> RACE REPORT FROM THE CHICAGO MARATHON<br> <br> Guidance goals<br> Victory lap<br> Forward is a pace<br> The mind can do immeasurably more than we think it can<br> No one cares<br> My moment of self-betrayal (of turning my back on my pre-programmed self-abuse)<br> <br> PUTTING YOURSELF IN TRIAGE FOR SELF-ABUSE<br> <br> Being a jerk to yourself needs to come to a stop at some point.<br> Does it really serve you? What are you getting from it? (False sense of effort or control?, Blame? Excuses? Pain? Distraction?)<br> "I'm just hard on myself" or "I have high expectations" aren't justifiable anymore if you want to live a happy and fulfilled life of meaning<br> Abuse is never okay - so why it is okay to do to yourself?<br> <br> FIGURING OUT WHAT YOU WANT IN LIFE - AND GOING AFTER IT<br> <br> My life shifted when I realized I wanted meaning and happiness more than I wanted applause and praise.<br> That said, I am continually reevaluating my goals with money and my business to stay in alignment with what I know I really want because it is easy to get pulled away and to chase some arbitrary measurement of "success".<br> Success is a feeling; a decision you make for yourself, not a measurement or evaluation given to you by someone else.<br> <br> SUCCESS ISN'T ALWAYS MEASURABLE<br> Give yourself permission to redefine what success really feels like<br> <br> What do your best days feel like? What matters to you?<br> <br> Success for me is often the opposite of what I originally thought it to be.<br> <br> -It's kicking the status quo.<br> <br> -It's being unapologetic for my truth and beliefs, for my love of the Lord<br> <br> -It's being ridiculously me<br> <br> -It's sitting with a book and laughing with loved ones, being present<br> <br> -It's finding words to describe my feelings and thoughts<br> <br> -It's having freedom - time, financial, body, self-expression<br> PRACTICE SEEING YOURSELF AS SUCCESSFUL<br> Give yourself opportunity to be uncomfortable<br> <br> Keep a champagne moments journal<br> <br> Expect the best, not to be confused with having high-expectations<br> <br> Push yourself to believe that life is beautiful, and to live it beautifully<br> ANNOUNCEMENTS:<br> MOMBOSS MASTERMIND <br> My high-level mastermind for motivated mombosses is now open!  I am limiting the group to 8 people and it will be an application process only. Applications are now available atwww.trishblackwell.com/mastermind.<br> <br> The mastermind will include individual and group coaching, online as well as in person, with the goal to help you double your revenue and ...