An Emotional Reset: I Am Safe (45 min)

Happy Mind: Meditations from the Ancient World to Modernity show

Summary: <p>When you experience negative feelings, whatever kind they are, this means that you are perceiving some sort of lack in your life. There is something missing that you want to fill in. Maybe you want control or safety, approval or love, or maybe you just want to know or understand. Whatever it is, you have the power to cut to the chase and simply let go of wanting. An age old method of doing this is to just let the breath relax. You'll do that in this meditation but it is all too easy to slip back into the little circle you are stuck in, to get yourself into turmoil for days. Eventually, the opposite energy will finally take over but the suffering along the way can be tremendous and the 'eventually' can seem to last forever. So one simple technique to short circuit this loop of wanting and suffering is to remind your emotional self that everything is going to be ok, that everything actually IS ok already. And the first step to proving that to your emotional self is to point out the seemingly obvious fact that you are safe. With that foundation stabilized, all the good stuff can be built on top of that: joy, abundance, peace, purpose and flourishing can find solid footing again. </p><br><p>Note: This is a 45 minute version of the I Am Safe guided meditation. </p><br><hr><p style="color: grey; font-size: 0.75em;"> See <a style="color: grey;" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=""></a> for privacy and opt-out information.</p>