Anarchy Round 2! McWeeny/Chandler VS Harris Brothers - Movie Trivia Schmoedown

Collider Factory show

Summary: BECOME A PATRON TODAY! On today’s episode of the Movie Trivia Schmoedown, it’s another match for your viewing and listening pleasure from the Tag Team Anarchy Schmoedown Tournament! Round Two of the tournament continues with Team Take the Cannoli aka Former Tag Team Champ Drew McWeeny and 2018 Free 4 All Winner Brianne Chandler take on Lon Harris and his brother Jon aka The Harris Brothers. Lon’s brother is stepping in after the unfortunate injury JTE suffered off camera. No one knows what to make of Jon or what movie trivia knowledge he might have so this adds another unknown element to an already tight match up. Neither of these two teams were seriously challenged in their first round matches, but now the competition heats up as all four of these titans of trivia smash into each other to see which team will advance to the semifinals of the tournament. Team Take the Cannoli is looking to imitate the accomplishments that Team Above The Line accomplished and get themselves a tag team title. The Harris Brothers are looking to shock the world. This one is going to be a colossal match up for sure! And you know there’ll be some great and tense back and forth in this match and some great fan interaction. See which team will be left standing at the end and move on to the semifinals of the competition. Let us know what you thought of the match in the COMMENTS section below. Remember to LIKE and SHARE this video on your social media and to SUBSCRIBE to the channel for more Schmoedown and Collider videos.