189 Will You Go?

BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women show

Summary: <br> What happens when we get too comfortable in life? What happens when we resist the change God is calling us into? What happens when we settle for where we are instead of going where God is leading? We miss the opportunity of a lifetime. You have no idea what God has in mind for you if you would follow him fully. But we miss it because we’ve settled, we’re comfortable and we avoid the unknown. Here’s the kicker, we not only miss the opportunities God has for us, but we create an opportunity for disaster in our life. Our delay of obedience is an opportunity for the enemy to stir up trouble, and we all know the enemy is eager do some stirring in our lives!<br> In 2 Samuel chapter 11 we read of King David and his mighty fall. Now let’s remember who David is. David, the little shepherd boy who boldly fought the giant Goliath and because of his mighty faith and willingness to go, he won. Eventually little David worked himself all the way up to becoming King. David, always with a willingness to go.<br> God loves our willingness. He’s looking to bless the one who will boldly step up and say, “choose me, I will go.” That was David and we see how through his life God showed him favor and provided in supernatural ways in response to his willingness to go.<br> But now little shepherd boy David is King David and power has gotten into his head. Now, let’s not be too quick to judge, I’m pretty sure we all struggle with properly handling power. Remember when you were the new girl in the office willing to happily do any job that needed to be done with no complaint and now with your seniority you’ve gotten a little lazy and there are jobs below you. Your willingness to go, to work, and to serve has lessened. Remember when you were a newlywed and you danced through the house like a Disney character smelling the fresh laundry? Uhmmmm yeah, when’s the last time that happened, right? Now laundry is a dreaded chore that you HAVE to do.<br> That willingness in you that God so loves has grown a little dim, hasn’t it? You’re now too busy. There’s too much stress and pressure in your real life to listen to God’s prompting and just go. Our attitude of “choose me God, I will go” has turned into a “oh, please not me, I’m so busy.” We hunker low, hoping God will skim right over us and choose someone else for the work he has. But have we forgotten our willingness to go creates an undeniable favor over our lives and supernatural provision? Have we forgotten our unwillingness to go leaves the door open for the enemy to creep in and do his nasty stirring?<br> David’s people were at war. David should have been with his soldiers. His place was with them. 2 Samuel 11 verse 1 says “In the spring, at the time when kings go off to war, David sent Joab out with the king’s men and the whole Israelite army and David remained in Jerusalem.”<br> David was no longer willing to go. He lost his willingness to show up. He lost his fight. All the things that first set him on the path to his destiny, and now he has lost them.<br> No longer willing to go.<br><br> No longer willing to show up.<br><br> No longer willing to try.<br> Is that you this morning? You once had so much passion in you. You woke up at the first sound of the alarm ready to conquer the day … and now … not so much. You’ve gotten lazy and lax. Oh we can layer it with all kinds of flowery excuses that the outside world will buy, but deep down you know it’s still just an excuse of why you’re not doing what you know you should be doing.<br> Sadly, we can get by on half effort. We can survive, eat and pay the bills just going through the motions. But are there dangers in not going where you’re supposed to go and not doing what you’re supposed to be doing? Oh you bet there are.