SSP 125. If Seeing is Believing

The Smarter Sculpted Physique: Training | Nutrition | Muscle Gain | Fat Loss show

Summary: -------------------------<br> ♦ If Seeing is Believing ♦<br> -------------------------<br> Coach Scott shares the specifics of his own recent medical lab results to demonstrate how his body has responded to a vegan diet.<br> <br> ♦♦ Feeling good is as important as positive health measures ♦♦<br> <br> • Scott goes line by line through his laboratory report, showing the number count tresholds for each item. All tested within healthy ranges.<br> <br> • He asked his doctor specifically to include measures for iron, B12, protein, and sex hormones, since those are frequent targets of vegan diet naysayers.<br> <br> • Vegan diets are reputed to not provide sufficient protein or B12, yet his B12 tested well.<br> <br> • Scott eats fortified vegan foods, and drinks 1 to 2 liters of nut milk. A single cup provides 50% of daily B12 needs.<br> <br> • Scott takes no vitamin supplements.<br> <br> • Testosterone levels continue at healthy levels. Scott says he’s been tapering his dose of hormone replacement meds.<br> <br> • His BP tested as 110/70, though he regularly salts his food with plain, iodized table salt. High sodium has been associated with hypertension (high blood pressure.)<br> <br> • Hematology measures (hemoglobin, red blood cell count, hematocrit, platelets, etc.) all fell within the healthy range.<br> <br> • Scott’s lab results run counter to what low-carb diet advocates say about high carb diet effects on blood sugar, lipids, protein, and sex hormones.<br> <br> *Disclaimer: These are Scott’s results. While clinical studies have shown whole-food plant-based diets to be healthy, individual results may vary. Lifestyle factors, such as exercise, smoking choice, stress level and sleep, all affect overall health.<br> <br> **Get an entire module of "Food Freedom" as a Free Email Course. 100% Free. No Credit Card Required.<br><br>