130 - Three Dots and a Silent J

The Flat Earth Podcast show

Summary: In this episode we discuss Matts presentation at the sky fall conference and a pretty interesting story that happened while watching it. Our history is a bigger lie than most of us realize. Matt goes for the fastest marriage proposal record in history. Halloween flat smacking ideas along with other flat earth topics. A disturbing message from the great Iru Landucci. Curious Jay drops in a message form his interment camp and much more. Matts Skyfall conference https://youtu.be/8NE8X9_5rEY DITRH Dot Dot Dot https://youtu.be/OI1WTtEVAjE Mole hole and Deliver us from Hell. Free Your Mind YouTube https://youtu.be/AZwEGZP3tEk ISS drop screw. https://youtu.be/7BBWKMpm0KQ Matts sun video https://youtu.be/WxZqHi-Oz98 The anti gravitic airships of the 1800’s https://www.facebook.com/TheFlatEarthPodcast/videos/491397434690236/ Brian Mullen’s Balls out Physics https://paulontheplane.com/balls-out-physics-brian-mullin/ The HEX Podcast #SaveHoustonWhite https://youtu.be/7T0TiqOxD_w Space the final junkyard propaganda video https://youtu.be/Wu0wg2UpzqM Song by LazyDiamond369 Remember Tesla https://youtu.be/TrjXtsS-IBo Amazon hoodie link https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=the+flat+earth+podcast www.TheFlatEarthPodcast.com