TKAM #905 Pile of Tricks #AirOutWednesday

TK in the AM: show

Summary: 10.17.18 Getting mad is normal. What we do with that energy is what matters. Get it out of you, feel better, and go out and create. #AirOutWednesday We start out the show with some early air outs. Content matters, and TK and Conscious vent on the discipline of creativity. If you’re going to boast on social media, or create something you want others to contribute to, make sure it’s something everyone wants to jump in. We’re out here reminding you that In #NewsYouCanUse The Connors premiered on ABC, with Rosanne’s character dead of a painkiller OD. YouTube was off the internet for almost an hour due to company mistakes. Twitter had a glitch, sending strange notifications to some users. Elizabeth Warren might not really be a native. North Dakota laws are blocking Native American votes. Hillary Clinton says the Bill Clinton Scandal was not an abuse of power...but 45 is a living accusation. During #ChatroomCheckIn we get into the spirit of air outs right before we dive deeper into some air outs in the world of politics. Because politics are a pile of politics and….well, you know what else. Don’t forget to vote (November 6th, 2018), don’t forget to take some action. If you want something to change, you need to take some action. #AirOutWednesday @TKinTheAM is live every M-W-F 10-1130am EST on and tunein app. Same day replays 7pm EST also available on Apple Podcasts, GooglePodcasts, Spreaker, and Spotify! If you really like us, leave a review on Apple Podcast that’d be really cool.