Episode 138 - PowerScripting Podcast - Parind Shah from EqualLogic

PowerScripting Podcast show

Summary: Parind Shah from Dell on EqualLogic and their new PowerShell module!   News This segment is brought to you by Start-Automating   Start Scripting to Your Fullest Potential.  At Start-Automating, we can help you unleash the full Power of PowerShell V2.  You can use our deep PowerShell expertise to build rich PowerShell solutions, or we can train you to use PowerShell like a pro. Isn’t it time you Save-Time, Save-Money, and Start-Automating?  Find out more at Start-Automating.com.   Marc van Orsouw will be running the PowerShell Script Club in Zurich Feb 1st Don Jones is seeking input on his upcoming advanced-level PowerShell book. Leave your comments on his blog! PowerWF celebrates a new release: 2.4 just shipped and includes PowerSE, a "Script Editor, console, intellisense, and powerful debugger" Idera ships PowerShell Plus v4 beta! New to us, /n Software released PowerShell eXplorer to the iTunes Market for IOS devices Interview The news is brought to you by Don Jones' 2011 PowerShell Retreat in Las Vegas   Links:   http://www.equallogic.com/ http://virtualisedreality.com/2010/12/17/dell-equallogic-powershell-quick-reference-guide/ http://delltechcenter.com/   Chatroom Buzz: 21:47 ##when is storage monitoring coming to PowerShell? 21:49 ## have your tried to get a consistent PowerShell story with other SAN manufacturers like Compellent? 21:54 # was the top-down part of the push for PowerShell management part of an overall push @ dell?  There are a lot of dell hardware that could use specialized management 21:54 # what do you have in mind for the 2nd release? 22:08 right now there are 13 pages of jobs of PowerShell on LinkedIn 23:44 @ joel, sure, but debug/verbose/warning are the lamest of all streams Superhero: Software X-Ray Vision aka The Debugger aka BugBuster aka RAID! Resources   This segment is brought to you by SAPIEN Technologies   Windows PowerShell Survival Guide Create DNS PTR records from PowerShell James Brundage made a cool add-on for PowerGUI to control advanced PowerShell options Jaykul writes about using parentheses in PowerShell The Scripting Guys have an article on parsing the event log using Get-WinEvent Aaron Nelson has been posting PowerShell Week at SQL University info. More about SQL University is at SQLChicken.com Don Jones has a bunch of PowerShell videos on his YouTube channel!   Tips This segment brought to you by ServerFault.com   From Ravi: Use Dropbox to share profiles across multiple systems Get your logging on: Oisin's script logger module Jaykul's NLog module Doug Finke's PSLog (also an NLog wrapper) Log4Posh: PowerShell Log4Net wrapper What the heck is Finally for? (as in Try..Catch..Finally) Clear an AD attribute   One-Liner of the Week! Get-Service | Add-Member ScriptMethod ToString { $this.Name } -Force -PassThru | Group-Object Status And here is the PS1XML version