Eyes on the Pirates, Part 1

Data Crunch show

Summary: The history books teach that slavery ended, but it still exists; it’s just morphed its form—different commodity, different location, but same abuses. The commodity is seafood. The location, Southeast Asia. The abuses, forced servitude with all its ugly associations. Some people make a substantial living off illegal, unregulated, and unreported (IUU) fishing, which fuels a dark underground. How is big data angling to stop it? Find out in our next two episodes.<br> <br> Transcript:<br> <br> Michele Kuruc: “People who were seeking better lives and, and coming to look for work were kidnapped by unscrupulous dealers, who forced them into lives we can’t even imagine.”<br> <br> Ginette Methot: “I’m Ginette.”<br> <br> Curtis Seare: “And I’m Curtis.”<br> <br> Ginette: “And you are listening to Data Crunch.”<br> <br> Curtis: “A podcast about how data and prediction shape our world.”<br> <br> Ginette: “A Vault Analytics production.”<br> <br> Ginette: “Welcome back to Data Crunch! We took a bit of a break over the holidays, and we hope you were able to too. <br> <br> “So upward and onward to 2017. What are we up to this year? We’ll be finishing our data science history miniseries for you, and we’ll be meeting some really cool people from KDnuggets, Galvanize Austin, and Datascope in Chicago. But before we do those episodes, we have to pivot because with major recent developments, this particular episode deserves to come out now.<br> <br> “The lives we can’t even imagine look like this according to the Associated Press. One Burmese man left his village when he was 18 years old. He followed a recruiter who promised him a construction job. When he arrived in Thailand, his captors held him with little food or water for a month. He was then forced onto a fishing boat. He was told that he was sold and would never be rescued. In that fishing environment, sometimes he worked 24-hours a day. He and his fellow fishers were whipped with stingray tails and shocked with electric devices. They were told during their time fishing that they would never be let go, not even when they died, and men in his similar situation were sometimes sold from ship captain to ship captain. <br> <br> “If they tried to escape the work, they were locked in cages on remote islands. In the 22 years he was away from home, he asked to go home twice. The first time he asked, the company official chucked a helmet at his head, which left a bloody gash that he had to hold closed. The second time he begged to go home, he was chained to the boat deck for three days in the blistering sun and when the night came, it was rainy, and he could do little to protect himself from it. During that three-day period, he had no food. He amazingly fashioned a lock pick and unlocked his shackles. He knew if he was caught, he’d be killed, so he dove into the water in the cover of night and swam ashore, hiding for his life.<br> <br> “You might ask why he didn’t go to local officials. The answer is he couldn’t because they might sell him back to the ship captains. So after eight years in the jungle hiding from the fishing companies, he finally got to go home because of the AP’s reporting. This is modern-day slavery. Every year, thousands of people are tricked or sold into this type of slavery in order to catch fish for lucrative markets.<br> <br> “If you’ve ever read Solomon Northup’s gripping autobiography, Twelve Years a Slave, the similarity is eery. They are both free men who are initially unknowingly abducted. They’re shackled, beaten into servitude, and forced to work in harsh conditions for many, many years. Both are desperate to go home to their families, and both experience miraculous escapes from tyrannical systems. But unfortunately, not everyone escapes.<br> <br> “This is a huge problem, and it’s frequently linked to illegal, unregulated, and unreported fishing, well known as IUU fishing. Unfortunately,