SFP 09 : How Do I Get My Kids To Cooperate?

Simple Families | Parenting + Minimalism show

Summary: <br> Getting our kids to cooperate with everyday tasks can seem impossible. Brush your teeth, take a bath, put your shoes on…even the simple things can be a struggle with young children. In this episode I am going to explain why cooperation is so difficult. The best part–there is an easy trick to get immediate results with your kids.<br> The Highlights<br> <br> * Why is cooperation such a struggle?<br> * Why you can’t “threaten” a kid into cooperation (and why you are probably doing this–even if you don’t realize it)<br> * A quick trick that works magic to get kids to cooperate<br> <br> Show Notes and Links<br> <a href="https://www.simplefamilies.com/how-to-reall/" target="_blank">How to Really Tick Off a Toddler</a><br> <a href="https://www.simplefamilies.com/kid-doesnt-listen-cooperation/" target="_blank">Why My Kids Doesn’t Listen to Me</a><br> <a href="https://www.simplefamilies.com/episode08/" target="_blank">SFP 08: Why Time-Out Isn’t Working</a><br> <a href="https://www.simplefamilies.com/ask/" target="_blank">Do you have a question for the show? Ask it here. </a><br>