Ep. 44: Holiday Meal Recovery Plan

Fed+Fit Podcast show

Summary: The Fed+Fit Podcast | Nurturing a Healthy Mindset for a Healthy Lifestyle<br> We're back with our 44th episode of the Fed+Fit Podcast! Remember to check back every Monday for a new episode and be sure to subscribe on iTunes!<br> <br> Find us HERE on iTunes and be sure to "subscribe."<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> I would LOVE some feedback, so feel free to leave a review in iTunes, comment below, or even give us a shout on social media!<br> <br> Ep. 44: Holiday Meal Recovery Plan<br> <br> Today we’re going to talk my super quick holiday meal recovery plan.<br> <br> Topics:<br> 1. Step 1: hydrate [5:29]<br> 2. Step 2: Prepare your nutritious food for easy access [7:30]<br> 3. Step 3: Book your fitness class [11:39]<br> 4. Step 4: Sleep [14:34]<br> 5. Step 5: essential oils, morning cocktail, and hot tea [15:49]<br> 6. Step 6: Watch your mindset [20:33]<br> <br> Cassy Joy: Happy Monday my dear friends! I hope that you had the most wonderful Thanksgiving with your friends and family. And if you’re listening and you don’t celebrate Thanksgiving, I hope you had the most wonderful last weekend in November. So if you are like me, this past Thursday you gathered with family and friends around a large meal. We ate, we paid no mind to counting our macros, and we indulged in foods that maybe we would normally avoid.<br> <br> So today’s episode, I want to just quickly focus on providing you with essentially a holiday recovery plan template. So I’ve kind of broken it up into about 6 categories, 4 main ones, and if you’re a regular listener, a lot of this will; it’s in our conversation a lot that we talk about, but hopefully I’m putting it in a way that’s going to be easy to remember. And the fifth and sixth categories are a little bit unique just to this episode, so I just wanted to quickly touch in on this Monday back from Thanksgiving.<br> <br> If you are feeling like; let’s say, it could be the gamut. Maybe you had a Thanksgiving; a totally paleo Thanksgiving. Maybe you followed the Fed and Fit Holiday Feast, my eBook that I’ve got out there. It’s about 45 recipes, and I have a whole bunch of menus and grocery shopping lists, and what to make when guides, all designed to kind of help you create a dinner that will really support your health and the health of your families, but also it tastes really great and it looks just like the food that we have always known.<br> <br> So, maybe you went that route. Maybe you had a totally paleo Thanksgiving, and on this Monday morning you are hitting the ground. Your feet are running. You're feeling great, you don’t feel like you’ve got anything to recover from. And I think that’s awesome! You go girl, or guy! {laughs}<br> <br> If you are not on that side of the spectrum, and I’m kind of one of those that’s not. I had a Thanksgiving with my new family. You know I got married in October, so we spent this Thanksgiving with Austin’s family, my husband’s family in San Angelo, Texas. And although I volunteered to bring a pie, a paleo pumpkin pie actually from my holiday eBook, which was excellent. Oh my goodness, it was so good. And I have to tell you, out of a group of people who do not eat paleo, these folks couldn’t really care less about paleo stuff. I will tell you that the paleo pumpkin pie, the pan was licked clean and the conventional pumpkin pie sat there untouched until the next day, so I think there’s a big ol’ win for us.<br> <br> But anyways, I had one of those Thanksgivings where I was just there to enjoy and be a part of this new family and be a part of that community and soak up every minute of this awesome family. And I did, I had a great time. Of course I didn’t eat some foods; I opted out, I didn’t eat the dressing, because it had the normal bread in it, and I know it’s just not worth it for me. It makes me feel too crummy, and then I wouldn’t really be able to enjoy family time.