Ep. 45: Fed+Fit Travel Tips

Fed+Fit Podcast show

Summary: The Fed+Fit Podcast | Nurturing a Healthy Mindset for a Healthy Lifestyle<br> We're back with our 45th episode of the Fed+Fit Podcast! Remember to check back every Monday for a new episode and be sure to subscribe on iTunes!<br> <br> Find us HERE on iTunes and be sure to "subscribe."<br> <br> <br> <br> Episode 45 Topics:<br> <br> FitStar<br> <br> I would LOVE some feedback, so feel free to leave a review in iTunes, comment below, or even give us a shout on social media!<br> <br> Ep. 45: Fed+Fit Travel Tips<br> <br> Today we’re going to talk about how to stay Fed, Fit, and Healthy while you’re traveling for work, for fun, or for visiting family this holiday season.<br> <br> Topics:<br> 1. Traveling tips to staying healthy [2:38]<br> 2. What to pack; luggage and carry-on [8:48]<br> 3. What to buy when you get there [15:49]<br> 4. Staying fit on the road [22:30]<br> 5. Recommendations for jet lag [26:48]<br> <br> Cassy Joy: Good morning everybody! I hope this finds you well and warm on this lovely December morning that we’re having. Today’s podcast is a little bit unique, because instead of cozying myself up in my home office/studio to make sure we’ve got really great sound quality, I am working in my kitchen, trying to make sure that I’m staying on top of a deadline that I’m working towards for a big project. So I apologize if you hear all kinds of background noises or anything like that; or maybe Gus barking in the background or knocking on the door to come in. That’s what’s going on today, so thank you for bearing with me.<br> <br> If you do follow me on Instagram, and you keep up with my blog, you have heard these ramblings of this project that I’ve been working on, and I really cannot wait to tell you guys about it. I’m writing it for you, and my love language, one of them at least and the way I give love is to give gifts. And this is really playing to that part of my personality. I’m viewing this huge project that I’m working on as, I don’t know, it’s like a great big awesome thing, gift that I’m working towards. I just hope and know at the same time that you’re going to love it.<br> <br> So a proper announcement about what that actually is, if you haven’t already guessed it, will be coming soon so keep your eyes peeled. But what it’s got me doing is pretty much cooking day in and day out in my kitchen, and I absolutely love it. I love and live for really full days, so it works out great. Here we go, here’s Gus, speak of the devil. Hi puppy! Come on in. He doesn’t want to come in. He wants me to stand here with the door open. {laughs}<br> <br> Ok. So it’s been great though, so thank you for bearing with me. My team has been awesome to get stuff out. We’ve got recipes written for the blog, so it will come up, we’ll be publishing at least one a week throughout this holiday season while I’m working, so keep your eyes peeled for that. I’m going to make this podcast work; I promised you a podcast every week and that’s what we’re going to do.<br> <br> 1. Traveling tips to staying healthy [2:38]<br> <br> So, ok let’s get to it! As you guys know, I got married in October, and then my husband and I went on our honeymoon to New Zealand. We were there for 2 weeks, and it was an awesome trip. And if you have been there before, you know what I’m talking about. The entire countryside is just enchanting. It’s really, really beautiful. Austin and I aren’t exactly beachy people; we’re pretty restless. If you can’t tell, I like to work and be doing things {laughs}. As does Austin, my husband. So, trying to relax on a beach we could probably do it for half a day and then we’re ready to get up and go do something.<br> <br> So New Zealand was perfect for us because we were able to really schedule a bunch of adventures. We went skydiving, we swam with dolphins in really, really cold water. And that was actually my idea,