"Who Enforces These Dumb Laws, the Supertroopers?"

Hellbound with Halos show

Summary: This isn't the first time Kevin &amp; Sully have been left alone to do a show. Crystal unfortunately could not join them because of work again, and these two are never up to any good without her. <br>They open the episode talking about Hurricane Michael that hit the panhandle of Florida and how devastating it will be for them. They let the people of the panhandle know they are thinking of them through this time. They both remind everyone about becoming a member of HellboundNation and they've dropped prices on all merchandise so they can get rid of it all and create new stuff for everyone. Kevin talks about Taylor Swift endorsing 2 Democratic candidates from Tennessee and how disappointed he is of her. (He acts like they're dating) He says that she typically doesn't endorse politicians or delve into politics at all and this is the first time for her. Then they get into the meat and potatoes of the episode, all about dumb laws around the United States. Such as, in Alaska, you cannot bring your Flamingo into the Barbershop with you. Who, in the first place, ever brought a Flamingo into a hair cutter to have to enact this law? They go over some of the funniest and wierdest laws across the country and discuss them in hilarious ways. As always. Did you know your chicken can't cross the road in Georgia? Well now ya do, so don't let it happen or you could get put in the slammer! This episode gets funnier as it goes on, so stick around and listen to all the whack laws in place across our country.