Jeffrey Gitomer on Napoleon Hill’s Keys to Success in Life and Sales – Episode #114

In the Arena show

Summary: Napoleon Hill’s keys to success are sought after by salespeople around the globe. On this episode of In the Arena, Anthony interviews the King of Sales, Jeffrey Gitomer, and asks him how he earned the opportunity to annotate a special new book of Hill’s earliest works, entitled “Truthful Living.” You’ll hear about 3 main keys to success that Hill refined over his years of teaching, as well as why sales advice can be applied to every aspect of your life. You won’t want to miss this sneak peek look at the upcoming book, so be sure to listen.<br> <br> Focusing on THESE steps every day will make the difference between a good #salesperson and #leader and a phenomenal one. Hear the full story on this episode of #InTheArena featuring the King of #Sales, @Gitomer. @Iannarino Click To Tweet<br> Jeffrey’s journey towards annotating the upcoming “Truthful Living” book and uncovering Napoleon Hill’s keys to success<br> Jeffrey is an expert in sales. Since his early days of writing columns for the Charlotte Business Journal, to being one of the first to create digital marketing content for an internet that didn’t quite exist yet, Jeffrey has become an authority in the sales world. A lifelong fan of Napoleon Hill, he has written for the Napoleon Hill Foundation for over 15 years. So when Don Green gave Jeffrey a collection of Hill’s greatest, unpublished, personal notes and asked about an annotation project, Jeffrey jumped on the opportunity. This two-year endeavor has culminated in the “Truthful Living: The First Writings of Napoleon Hill” (available for pre-order on Amazon and available everywhere October 30). Jeffrey explains that the longer something lasts, the longer something will continue to last, and Hill’s advice on sales, business, and life are invaluable lessons to be learned.<br> Key #1 - Maintaining an attitude of success makes all the difference<br> Napoleon Hill’s keys to success start with mindset and attitude. Going far beyond feel-good thinking, maintaining an attitude of success allows you to achieve greatness by giving you confidence in your product, business, and career. This confidence then allows you to focus on developing 5 main characteristics outlined by Hill. Here they are.<br> <br> Imagination<br> Desire<br> Enthusiasm<br> Self-confidence<br> Concentration<br> <br> You’ll notice these 5 characteristics have nothing to do with sales specifically. A success mindset is transferable to every aspect of your life, and it starts with positivity and always keeping your end-goal in mind.<br> <br> Discover @Gitomer’s journey towards annotating the upcoming #Truthful Living book and uncovering #NapoleonHill’s keys to #success. Catch the full story on this episode of #InTheArena! @IannarinoClick To Tweet<br> Key #2 - Understand the difference between managing TIME and managing YOU<br> Very few people have a time management problem - most people have a self-management problem. Jeffrey explains the key difference between managing your time and managing yourself, all on this episode. Narrowing down your timewaster activities, avoiding distractions, and leveraging spare minutes throughout your day are all great ways to increase productivity and stay focused. That’s why Jeffrey poses the question, “Can you manage YOU?”<br> Key #3 - Identify and claim a chief aim in life<br> Finally, one of Napoleon Hill’s keys to success lies in having a chief aim in life. Without it, you’ll wander aimlessly through life without making much progress. Start with identifying your chief aim. This could be tied to your passions, skill sets, interests, etc. Then, create a plan of how to achieve this aim. Finally, develop the 5 characteristics that allow you to maintain a healthy mindset and self-control. Focusing on these few steps every day will make the difference between a good salesperson and leader and a phenomenal one. For the full story,