Jennifer Gluckow on 5 Questions that Will Result in Better Sales – Episode #115

In the Arena show

Summary: After spending a lifetime in the industry, Jen Gluckow knows a thing or two about how to make better sales. She talks with Anthony on this episode of In the Arena about how you can own your career as a salesperson and how to connect better with your peers and leaders. She also answers 5 main questions that will help you become a better salesperson and ignite your career. All of these insights and more are included in Jen’s upcoming book, “Sales in a New York Minute,” available for pre-order now on Amazon and everywhere January 1. Be sure to check it out, and catch the full story on this podcast episode.<br> <br> After spending a lifetime in the #sales industry, @JENinaNYminute knows a thing or two about how to make better sales. She shares her invaluable insights on this episode of #InTheArena, and it’s a conversation you don’t want to miss. Listen now! @Iannarino Click To Tweet<br> #1 - Why do you need to pursue your own leads as a sales leader?<br> Most salespeople enter into the business wanting to make a difference, either in their own life or in the lives of others. Why is it, then, that so many salespeople sit back and seemingly wait for marketing to send them quality leads? You cannot afford to rely on others to make your career happen, and you have to be diligently working on securing your own top leads. Start talking with everyone you meet, and don’t hesitate to act because you’re waiting for the “perfect lead” to appear that simply doesn’t exist.<br> #2 - What can you do to become a better networker?<br> Networking can change your life if you let it, but great networking is not about quantity. The ultimate goal of networking should always be about making quality connections with people who can either send you business referrals or add value to your life. How can you make those types of connections? Start by being specific and targeted in the meetings and groups you pursue. Then, become a value-provider for the people you meet. You can’t expect quality results from new connections if you don’t first convince them you’re worth building a relationship with.<br> <br> Why do you need to pursue your own leads as a #SalesLeader? @JENinaNYminute shares her answer to this critical question, and so much more, on this episode of #InTheArena. Listen now! @IannarinoClick To Tweet<br> #3 - How can you combat the temptation to make excuses for your work?<br> No matter what market you’re involved in, the temptation to make excuses for poor performance is always present. Making better sales starts with taking responsibility for your action - and inaction. Both Jen and Anthony believe in the power of a great mindset and attitude when striving for selling success. Take 10 minutes and identify your top excuses that you tell yourself and your boss. Then, figure out ways to crush those excuses. The minute you stop making excuses is the minute you start making better sales.<br> #4 - How can you become the CEO of your territory?<br> If you aspire to become the CEO of your sales territory, you can’t spend all your time analyzing every decision. Company CEOs take action and implement strategies daily - they don’t overthink everything. Becoming a top sales leader is all about identifying your own style of leadership, committing to that method, and owning it.<br> <br> Excuses get you nowhere in #sales. Learn how to combat the temptation to become stagnant by listening to this episode of #InTheArena featuring @JENinaNYminute. You won’t be disappointed. @IannarinoClick To Tweet<br> #5 - What’s the key to effectively following up with prospects and making better sales?<br> No one enjoys getting those calls from salespeople that say, “Hey, I’m just checking in!” What that message actually conveys is a nagging need to know how the sale is coming along - not a desire to help the prospect make a good decision for their business. Jen encourages sales leaders to add value to their prospects’ lives inste...