He Has HOW MANY Tattoos? Guinness World Record Holder Funky Matas on the Hangin With Web Show

Hangin With Web Show show

Summary: WATCH the Hangin With Web Show on Youtube & SUBSCRIBE! #Comment #Like #Subscribe (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_C2z2k60d6lOj8DFMWDGEA) Host and Award Winning Author and Journalist GW Pomichter and co-host Christian Basel interviews Guinness World Record Holder Funky Matas during MegaCon Convention in Orlando Florida. Funky Matas was born September 2, 1987 in Caracas Venezuela to Jorge Manuel Matas and Maria Carolina Delon. At the age of 6 Funky and his parents moved to Miami Florida and later to Weston Florida. The moving around made him not take things too seriously and gave him a lot of time to himself, creating the “Rock and Roll” and “adrenaline full” persona that drives him. He picked up a bunch of interesting habits from a young age that would later turn into his career. At the very young age of 14, Funky and a close friend decided to build a tattoo machine with a can opener motor, pen and a sowing needle. From this point on, the rest is history. He tattooed everyone in the neighborhood including himself, which arose a deep passion for the art of tattooing and a lot of angry parents. The tattoo scene would forever be changed as the birth of this new found passion was born. From his first day attending Cypress Bay High school, Funky knew he had no business in college. With too many ideas and so many resources he decided to find his purpose elsewhere. Throughout high school Funky decided to pick up another hobby. Playing the drums. Playing every single day for well over 6 hours all the way through high school. This is when he applied to L.A. school Musician’s Institute to study music. Getting accepted to the school, he eventually moved to Hollywood CA, and meanwhile the tattoo blues had kicked in and began tattooing again. After getting kicked out of the infamous rock school (Till this day, nobody knows why) Funky began tattooing full time. Years and hundreds of tattoos later, he began the project of having his friends sign his back… in tattoo. The idea gained a lot of popularity which lead him to a sponsorship by Freewire© . The world’s first wireless tattoo machine company. And now has worked and collaborated with tons of celebrities. “I never intended on breaking a world record” says Funky. Funky Matas On The Web: https://www.buzzfeed.com/lethipopan/world-record-winner-2qz9c?utm_term=.si4BQPvkz https://recordsetter.com/user/funkymatas FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/FunkyMatas/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtwhtbLNbk-yfHTA3YsbEdw Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/FunkyMatas/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/FunkyMatas Like and Comment on videos and interviews. Submit your own questions for the next webisodes! The Hangin With Web Show is the internet's best web talk show series. While attending a writers conference, we noticed that many of the independent authors had never received any media attention. After many conversations, he discovered this was true of artists, indie filmmakers, and event YouTube creators. As a former newspaper reporter, G.W. Pomichter had conducted hundreds of professional interviews and decided at the event to interview these terrific, talented creators. Our mission is to provide comfortable, professional and informative media coverage to members of the arts and entertainment community and distribute these to the world wide web to assist in sharing new creative works with a global internet audience. Find us on the web: http://www.hanginwithshow.com On IMDB (Internet Movie Data Base) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt6337920/ G.W. Pomichter on IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm8647803/ Help us support these amazing and talented artists and businesses! Check out our partners: Embellish FX Orlando: http://embellishfx.com Pound The Grape: https://www.poundthegrape.com Some'N Unique Magazine: http://www.someuniquemag.com Famous Faces and Funnies: http://www.facebook.com/FFFComics/ Space Coast Comixx: http://www.spacecoastcomixx.com/ Krypton Radio: http://krypton