In Case You Didn't Know It Privacy Is Dead

The Christopher Scott Show Talk Radio Podcast show

Summary: On this episode of the Christopher Scott Talk Show Podcast: I ran into an old friend I hadn't seen in a while. He shared the news his son had recently died of an overdose. That's one issue, but the other thing that surprised me was how surprised he was that I didn't know anything about it. Do we even have an expectation of privacy anymore? A lawsuit has been filed against Google for tracking location data even then the option is turned off. Not only did they not turn it off but they clearly stated they weren't collecting the data when the option was selected to turn it off. Why would they be working so hard to collect this data and then not disclose it properly? All these devices are listening. We were more than shocked last week when we were having a conversation and our 3 year old's tablet responded back to us. Very creepy sign of the times. So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook: Twitter: