Time Management for the Sports Industry – Work in Sports Podcast e122

The Work in Sports Podcast - Insider Advice for Sports Careers show

Summary: We all struggle with managing our to do list and prioritizing our day. In this episode Brian shares some tips to make life more efficient! Isn't that the goal?!Hi everybody I’m Brian Clapp, Director of Content for <a href="http://workinsports.com">WorkinSports.com </a>and this is the Work in Sports podcast.I just got back from Phoenix we had our quarterly business summit with our team at <a href="http://workinsports.com">Work in Sports</a>, and a couple of notes. We have some big things coming, which I am very, very excited about. There is still a ton of work to be done, but we have the framework in place for some dynamic changes that will serve all of you better.<a href="https://www.workinsports.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/qa_cover.png"></a>We’re a customer focused company, and when we have these quarterly business meetings all we ask ourselves is, “what can we be doing to serve our members and our partners better?”Last year, we focused hard on upping the quantity and quality of our jobs – we used to hover around 6-7,000 jobs, and in the last year we’ve added so many new employers to our site that we are now up to 10,000+ jobs.Think about that for a second – we focus in on many of the small to mid-sized employers in the sports industry, so when you come to our site you will find 10,000 available sports jobs from all kind of employers, many of which you may never have even known existed.I mean I had never heard of <a href="https://www.workinsports.com/memjobdetail.asp?jobid=297058">True North Sports and Entertainment</a>, but when I go on our site I see they are hiring for a Manager of corporate partnerships. And right next to it I see a job with the <a href="https://www.workinsports.com/memjobdetail.asp?jobid=297036">Boston Celtics for a Sr, Coordinator of Community Engagement</a>.Point is, we have them all. Big and small. And that was our big push last year, this podcast and upping our job totals. I’d say both have been a success. This year we have a new focus and it's going to be really cool.The second note I had from our business summit was this. 4 times a year I go to Phoenix, and it’s a total change from my norm. It’s dry, it’s hot, it’s sunny… no humidity, no rain, clear skies, bright sun.You know what happened this last trip. Rained the whole damn time. I’m inside most of the time anyway working… but come on. Can’t a guy get dried out a little bit?Alright let’s move on to this weeks question from John in Missouri – John’s going to get a free month on WorkinSports for asking a question and having his question answered… you can too!Email me, <a href="mailto:podcast@workinsports.com">podcast@workinsports.com</a> or hit me up on LinkedIn, or through our private facebook group. Many options.Sports Career Question from John in Missouri!Question from John in Missouri:Hey Brian, big fan of the podcast, thanks so much for what you do. I’m currently a senior in college and I’m probably trying to do too much. I’m interning for a local team, volunteering at the school paper and in the athletic department, I’m president of a few clubs on campus, have a full class load and …to be honest, some days I am way overloaded. I’m doing this all so I have notable experiences on my resume, but it brings up two questions:1: I feel like my time management is poor – do you have any advice?2: Is all of this necessary or am I just doing a lot of running around like a crazed man for nothing?John – I like both of these questions.For the first part on time management – I stress to people all the time that they need to focus on time management when they are in the early stages of your career (I view college as the start of your career – because time is your own to manage). The reason you need to focus on time management early on is because the workload and demands of your career and life will get harder from here, and if your processes aren’t well structured you’ll struggle to manage your own growth.