TiS 9/12/17 Gigx and TheJudge – Destruction of CO2 (TIS Lounge)

Talking in Stations show

Summary: <p>Recorded live on IMperium.News twitch. 9/12/17 VOD is here – https://www.twitch.tv/videos/174164252</p> <p>List of speakers:<br> *Matterall – NC (host)<br> *Dirk MacGirk – PL (host)<br> TheJudge – former C02 / turncoat / CSM Member<br> GigX – C02<br> Knerf – NC<br> Lucian James – C02 FC<br> Beppe – C02<br> Killah Bee – PL<br> fafer – Ghost Legion / Former CSM Member<br> John Landier – former C02 / current Darkness member / Eve News 24 chief editor<br> Sorticus (Sort Dragon) – Darkness / Former CSM Member<br> Cpt Patrick Archer – Triumvirate<br> Rat Salat – former C02 / Test<br> Creecher Virpio – Test<br> Jay Maricadie – Blue Sun Interstellar Technologies / DRF diplomat<br> *Carneros – Bastion / Imperium / Former CCP Dev<br> *Arrendis – Goons / Imperium<br> Spectre – (Manifest)<br> *Dodkalm – Goons / Imperium<br> Sullen Decimus – Bastion / Imperium / Former CSM Member<br> Apple pear – Goons / Imperium<br> Jay Amazingness – Goons / Imperium<br> *Joe Barbarian – Goons / Imperium<br> Jin’taan – CVA / CSM member<br> thealmanac – siege green</p> <p>*Imperium News Network Members</p>