What to Do After You Lose


Summary: Primary election season is officially over and some candidates didn't make it across the finish line. But just because you or your candidate lose the election, it doesn't mean it's time to take your toys and go home.<br> <br> L. Joy is always reading something to help keep us #CivicallyEngaged. This segment, she’s sharing the book she’s into now. “<a href="https://amzn.to/2MVDGnu">Lighting the Fires of Freedom: African American Women and the Civil Rights Movement</a>” by Janet Dewart Bell shines a light on the many everyday women who were the backbone of the Civil Rights Movement.<br> <a href="http://www.audibletrial.com/sundaycivics">Click here to get a FREE book </a><a href="http://www.audibletrial.com/sundaycivics">and a 30 day free trial of Audible.</a><br> We touch on some good news happening in the states which is a breath of fresh air from all the other news out of DC. Lurie and June join to discuss: <a href="https://www.npr.org/2018/09/09/645728061/california-outlaws-big-bills-for-minor-city-violations?utm_medium=RSS&amp;utm_campaign=news">California Outlaws Big Bills For Minor City Violations</a>, Mayor <a href="http://snip.ly/l63d8o/#https://newsone.com/3823347/london-breed-san-francisco-32000000-criminal-justice-fees-court-order/">London Breed Is Not Here For Taking Millions From Poor People After Jail Releases</a> and <a href="https://www.colorlines.com/articles/baltimore-set-ban-privatization-water-system">Baltimore Set To Ban Privatization of Water System</a>.<br> <br> For this week's lesson L. Joy focuses on losing. If you ran for office or worked on a campaign, this lesson is the “shot in the arm” you’ll need to forge on. While we celebrate the winners in electoral campaigns there is a lot to be said for the losers and the campaigns they run.<br> <br> Our guest Joyce S. Johnson shares her #FirstCivicAction where she was spurred into action once she realized she would possibly lose her home when the <a href="http://www.nyshcr.org/Programs/Mitchell-Lama/">Mitchell Lama Affordable Housing Program</a> was ending. She continues telling her journey going from scientist, to corporate America to running for Congress. She’s sharing who her political influences were, her strategies, how many times she’s run for office, and the lessons she’s learned along the way. A wonderful interview dedicated to the people who stepped out on faith and run for office….and don’t win.<br> <br> ---<br> <br> BECOME A CIVIC PATRON<br> Help us continue to grow and spread civic education and engagement by becoming a Civic Patron. Your financial support will help fund day-to-day costs and ensure the show will continue to be free and available for all to learn and share. You can contribute as little as $3 a month <a href="https://www.sundaycivics.org/patreon">via Patreon</a> or make a one-time donation of any amount <a href="https://www.paypal.me/SundayCivics">via PayPal</a>