2018 EIS Sarah Raskin

Kessler Foundation Podcasts show

Summary: Expert Interview Series with guest host Dr. Erica Weber! In this episode, Dr. Weber speaks with Dr. Sarah Raskin, professor of Psychology & Neuroscience and Director of the Neuroscience Program at Trinity College, Hartford, CT about prospective memory. To listen to the lecture mentioned in this podcast, go to https://soundcloud.com/kesslerfoundation/17sep18-neurospeakersseries-sarah-raskin Be sure and check out Dr. Raskin's bio and lab page links below: Bio: http://internet2.trincoll.edu/facProfiles/Default.aspx?fid=1000611 Research Lab: https://commons.trincoll.edu/raskin/ For more information about Kessler Foundation and our researchers, go to www.KesslerFoundation.org Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, listen to us on Soundcloud, and tweet with us on Twitter!