EP 079 | Careergasm

Business of Design ™ | Interior Designers, Decorators, Stagers, Stylists, Architects & Landscapers show

Summary: Are you happy in your career? Most of us don’t take time to even ask this important question. The bills have to be paid and we’re so busy already, who has time for reflection? Looking squarely at what you love about your current work/life situation (and what you hate) provides valuable insights that lead to powerful changes. In this episode we learn: - a dramatic breakdown, although uncomfortable, can give you clarity around your career - get clarity first, then move on to strategy - experiment with scheduling—many professionals prefer blocking tasks by day, rather than by hour - create the schedule you want, even if it’s unconventional - to determine where you stress spot is and then learn how to relax it - to notice the yearning to add something new to your existing career - how to own your inner Molly Ringwald - identify your hell-no client and a hell-yes client Find out more about Sarah Vermunt, get access to the Free Careergam Crash Course and (bonus!) download the first 40 pages of the Careergasm book. It's all here... bit.ly/bod-ep079 It’s time to take control of your business. Become a member of Business of Design®, today: https://businessofdesign.com/?ref=2&campaign=podcast