Jessica Cabeen, Jessica Johnson, and Sarah Johnson—Balance Like a Pirate: Going beyond Work-Life Balance to Ignite Passion and Thrive as an Educator (A Lead Like a PIRATE Guide)

Principal Center Radio Podcast – The Principal Center show

Summary: <br> Interview Notes, Resources, &amp; Links<br> <a href="">Get the book, Balance Like a Pirate: Going beyond Work-Life Balance to Ignite Passion and Thrive as an Educator (A Lead Like a PIRATE Guide)</a><br> <a href="">Follow Jessica Cabeen on Twitter @JessicaCabeen</a><br> <a href="">Follow Jessica Johnson on Twitter @PrincipalJ</a><br> <a href="">Follow Sarah Johnson on Twitter @SarahSaJohnson</a><br> <a href="">Follow Balance Like a Pirate on Twitter @BalanceLap</a> and use the hashtag <a href="">#BalanceLAP</a><br> About the Authors<br> Jessica Cabeen, Jessica Johnson, and Sarah Johnson are three educators who represent a wide range in background and contexts. Their mission in writing this book was to help fellow educators focus intentionally on reclaiming passion, setting priorities, and focusing on purpose to stem burnout in the profession.<br> <br> <br> <br>