49 - Michele Gelfand on Tight and Loose Cultures

Conversations with Tyler show

Summary: Michele Gelfand is professor of psychology at the University of Maryland and author of the just-released Rule Makers, Rule Breakers: How Tight and Loose Cultures Wire Our World. In her conversation with Tyler, Michele unpacks the concept of tight and loose cultures and more, including which variable best explains tightness, the problem with norms, whether Silicon Valley has an honor culture, the importance of theory and history in guiding research, what Donald Trump gets wrong about negotiation, why MBAs underrate management, the need to develop cultural IQ, and why mentorship should last a lifetime. Want to get your hands on a signed copy of Tyler's new book Stubborn Attachments before it hits bookstands on October 16th? Rate and review Conversations with Tyler on Apple Podcasts! If you've already rated and reviewed Conversations with Tyler, you can rate any of the Mercatus podcasts and still be entered to win, including Macro Musings, Mercatus Policy Download, and the Hayek Program Podcast: https://get.mercatus.org/podcastcontest/ Transcript and links: https://medium.com/conversations-with-tyler/michele-gelfand-tyler-cowen-psychology-tightness-looseness-culture-82b573e40d8f Order Michele's new book: https://www.amazon.com/Rule-Makers-Breakers-Culture-Wires/dp/1501152939 Follow Michele: www.twitter.com/MicheleJGelfand Follow Tyler: www.twitter.com/tylercowen More CWT goodness: Facebook: www.facebook.com/cowenconvos/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/cowenconvos Email: www.mercatus.org/newsletters