Convicted sex offender walks free on technicality, kills two Arizona girls

Crime Stories with Nancy Grace show

Summary: The fate of little Isabel Celis was unknown for 5 years after the 6-year-old disappeared from her bed in Tucson -- until her remains were found in a desert grave last year. With the arrest of a convicted sex offender, the family know has more answers. The family of another murdered Tuscon girl - Maribel Gonzales -- also knows what happened to the 13-year-old in 2014. Christopher Matthew Clements, 36, is charged with killing both. Nancy Grace looks at how the system may have failed as the suspect was allowed to walk free despite a long rap sheet of crimes. Her experts in this episode include Marc Klaas -- founder of Klass Kids Foundation, psychologist Caryn Stark, forensics expert Joseph Scott Morgan,  juvenile judge & lawyer Ashley Willcott, and reporter Jennifer Dzikowski. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at