PGR 111 – Big Ex Raid Changes & Mysterious Unknown Pokemon

Pokemon Go Radio show

Summary: goodness…am I editing again? Seems impossible…I was just at a poker game. I won $40 I’ll have you know. So watch out for ol’ SALTy. Remember in the first couple episodes Nar called me SALTy? That was weird wasn’t it? Oh the good old days. My favorite part is when I used to type show notes like this people use to react. Now you just get three words in and are all like “eh that’s just how SALT types the notes.” Enough rambling! There is seriously so much to talk about this week. We have huge announcements regarding Ex-Raid changes and the appearances of just the weiredst little thing? What is it? We have no effin idea tbh. That doesn’t stop us from speculating though! This is a good show despite Whals and Peppa’s continual laziness and refusal to be on the show. Tweet them! Good. Pretty much done. Oh. Here are the links. Support us at our Patreon Page Buy a Pokemon Go Raido T-Shirt Pokemon Go Hub Metwo Attacks analysis Thanks to Ben Sound for the great music