TAS 568: Ask Scott #177 – Should I Relaunch an Old Product or Start with NEW?

The Amazing Seller show

Summary: What is the status of your ecommerce business? Are you exactly where you had on being at this point or are you looking for a way to jump-start your efforts? Either way, you’ll find value on this episode of The Amazing Seller! On this episode, you’ll hear from Scott as he shares his thought of the week, gives an update on TAS tools and resources, an answer to a question from a TAS follower like you, and much more! If you are ready to put in the work and apply these lesson then this episode is for you! <br> 1st Impressions matter!<br> Did you know that in business, one of the most important things to get right from the start is a first impression? It’s true! Just think about the last time that you had terrible customer service when you were visiting a business for the first time. Would you ever go back? Chances are, you answer is, “No!” Why should you give your patronage to a business that is unwilling to put time and energy into making a positive first impression? You shouldn’t, and that’s the point! If that’s how you wouldn’t like to be treated, don’t treat your customers that way. To hear more about the important role of first impressions, make sure to listen to this helpful episode of The Amazing Seller! <br> Don’t leave easy money on the table. <br> Let’s face it, building a successful ecommerce business from the ground up is not an easy task! Don’t make it harder on yourself by leaving easy money on the table. If you get a product or a line of products humming along and making you money, don’t up and abandon it just because you want to go in a new direction. Use that success and build off of it, let that project bankroll your ideal project! Make sure to listen to this episode of The Amazing Seller as Scott breaks down how sellers like you can make the most out of your less appealing products! <br> What are you waiting for? <br> Isn’t it time that you kicked your ecommerce business into high gear? What are you waiting for? Do you expect someone to come and take you by the hand and lead you every step of the way? Don’t count on it! If you really want to build something that will go the distance, you’ve got to commit to putting Scott’s tried and tested methods into practice! For you, the next step might be to review the PACE method or attend the Brand Accelerator Live event. Whatever your next step, don’t delay - take action today! <br> OUTLINE OF THIS EPISODE OF THE AMAZING SELLER<br> <br> [0:03] Scott’s introduction to this episode of the podcast!<br> [4:20] Scott’s thought of the week, first impressions are everything! <br> [8:20] Question: Should I relaunch an old product or start with something new? <br> [15:00] Closing thoughts from Scott.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> TRANSCRIPT TAS 568<br> TAS 568: Ask Scott #177 - Should I Relaunch an Old Product or Start with NEW?<br> [INTRODUCTION]<br> <br> [00:00:03] Scott: Well hey, hey what’s up everyone! Welcome back to another episode of The Amazing Seller Podcast. This is episode number 568 and session number 177 of Ask Scott. This is...<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> LINKS MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE<br> <br> www.theamazingsellertv.com<br> www.theamazingseller.com/live<br> www.theamazingseller.com/pace<br> www.theamazingseller.com/ask<br> <br> <br> NEW To The Blog and Podcast?<br> I created a Page Just for You called…START HERE!<br> <br> If you enjoyed this episode share the love with your friends…Click To Tweet the show.<br> <br> Subscribe To Be The First To Receive Updates and NEW Podcast Episodes