Lean and the Reasons for Going Agile - Part 2

Lean-Agile Straight Talk show

Summary: Lean and the Reasons for Going Agile - Part 2 Agile helps development teams get their projects done quickly. It helps to make development teams very much more effective. Lean helps the organization to deliver value to customers quickly while retaining the ability to add value quickly in the future. This is the bottom-line message of two podcasts that talk about how Lean thinking offers compelling reasons for organizations to think about going Agile. This is based on conversations that Alan Shalloway has been having with customers across the country about this. The five most important reasons are: Add value to the business quickly Gaining clarity on customers’ needs Projects can be managed better Early feedback makes for motivated teams Engineer practices favor Agile In the last podcast, we talked about the first point: adding value to the business quickly. In this show, we cover the other four points. Really, I should have done these four together, but it would have made a show that was just too long. So, be sure to listen to both of them to get the full story. As you will hear, we are just jumping right into the conversation, so it may feel a little bumpy starting out. I think you will catch on. Make this series useful for you As we are dive into the issues of Lean-Agile, we want this series to be really useful to you. So, I would appreciate it if you would drop me a note to jim.trott@netobjectives.com and let me know the topics you want us to cover. And keep checking our blog site at blogs.netobjectives.com for related information and to subscribe to be kept up to date on the shows. I want this to be very useful to you and want to dive into the issues you care most about. So, I would appreciate it if you would drop me a note to jim.trott@netobjectives.com with the topics you want us to cover. This blog and podcast series is really about how we can provide value to you. Recommendations - Training by Net Objectives Lean-Agile Software Development Recommendations - Reading Release It! Design and Deploy Production-Ready Software by Michael Nygard Implementing Lean Software Development: From Concept to Cash (The Addison-Wesley Signature Series), by Mary and Tom Poppendieck Lean Software Development by Mary and Tom Poppendieck Music used in this podcast: “Pizzaman” and “Chocolate” ©2006 William Cushman: ghostnotes.blogspot.com “On the Cool Side” ©2006 Kevin McLeod: http://www.incompetech.com/ For more information, contact info@netobjectives.com or visit us at https://www.netobjectives.com/ Blog Type: PodcastLog in or register to post comments