GI Show – Dreams, Harry Potter Leak, Assassin's Creed Odyssey

The Game Informer Show show

Summary: <img src="" width="800" height="450" alt="" class="image-style-body-default"> <p>Game Informer's Ben Hanson, Javy Gwaltney, and Elise Favis share exclusive, new impressions of visiting <a href="">Media Molecule for our Dreams cover story</a> and we also talk about the wild leak of a new <a href="">Harry Potter game</a>. Then we assemble a surprising crew to talk about playing <a href="">Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed Odyssey</a> and Kyle Hilliard and Ben Reeves come by to talk about <a href="">Mega Man 11</a>, <a href="">Astro Bot: Rescue Mission</a>, and even <a href="">the creation of Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire</a>. After some great community emails where we also share new gameplay impressions of <a href="">Rockstar's Red Dead Redemption II</a>, we're joined by Foam Sword's Rex Crowle to talk about <a href="">Knights and Bikes</a> and his time working at Lionhead and Media Molecule.</p> <p>You can watch the video below, <a href="">subscribe and listen to the audio on iTunes or Google Play</a>, <a href="">listen to episode 418 on SoundCloud</a>, or <a href="">download the MP3 by clicking here</a>. Also, be sure to send your questions to <a href=""></a> for a chance to have them answered on the show.</p> <div class="ckeditor-brightcove"></div> <p><i>To jump to a particular point in the discussion, check out the time stamps below...</i><br> <br> <em>2:42 - Dreams exclusive impressions<br> 37:48 - The leaked Harry Potter game<br> 50:30 - Assassin's Creed Odyssey<br> 1:19:40 - Mega Man 11<br> 1:31:00 - Astro Bot: Rescue Mission<br> 1:38:00 - Fist of the North Star<br> 1:40:15 - Making Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire<br> 1:44:50 - Wandersong<br> 1:47:00 - Community emails<br> 1:48:30 - Red Dead Redemption 2<br> 1:56:50 - Back to community emails<br> 2:25:35 - Rex Crowle Knights and Bikes interview</em></p>