Raindance Man Elliot Grove talks

Answer 20 Questions » Video20Q show

Summary: We get talking to the best people here on Video 20 Questions. Elliot Grove who recently got an honorary doctorate from the Open University for the work he has done with Raindance the Film Festival and the courses that Raindance runs to teach film making, has been talking to me about what Raindance does. How excellent is that? I have visited the Raindance site myself and the Raindance.tv site and have found it informative and entertaining. I find myself wishing I lived in London so that I could take some of the courses in film making. Not that keen on London or any big cities really so that tells you how interesting the courses were looking to me. Some course titles available. Script Writing, producing, directing and audio courses,  very inexpensive but packed with information. 22-Step Great Screenwriting Writer's Foundation Certificate Write and Sell the HOT Script TV Writer's Lab 99 Minute Film School Filmmakers Foundation Certificate Producer's Foundation Certificate Lo-To-No Budget Filmmaking Elliot talks a bit about the Macs they use in the office for the Mac20Q podcast but mostly we talk about film making. I learned a thing or two, for sure. "Record breaking crowds, sold out screenings, live music, loud raucous parties and great films. This is what an independent film festival should be. Raindance has become what Sundance used to be fifteen years ago." Why not contact me and arrange an interview so you can be featured on the Podcast. Lets talk video, film, movies and anything moving pictures. I will even talk to actors. [contact-form 1 "Contact form 1"]