Video20Q Podcast 3 Robert – Chance1234

Answer 20 Questions » Video20Q show

Summary: The audio quality was poor for the whole of the interview, it sometimes goes like that with Skype. The next day I was interviewing a guy in Belgium for Mac20Q and it was as clear as a bell. Weird stuff. Despite that the interview with Robert the chancer when well and I learned a few things along the way. Not least of the answer to "What is the Best Boy on a film set?" There are a number of strange job titles in the film industry and that one had me wondering. Chance1234 on Twitter tells me about entering the two week film challenge as did Mike Peter Reed from a previous interview and it will be interesting to see what both of these indie film makers come up with in the next round of the Two Week Challenge. The movie has to be at least 60 minutes long to qualify and there is a lot of work to be done to fill sixty minutes of movie time. Robert told me that rather than go to film school he paid for his movie to be made and learned along the way. He reckons that he has operated as most of jobs required for making a film and would say that it is great way to learn the film industry. He was working with a production company that was involved with a King Arthur film and doing the armoury work for the movie. Sounds like fun. From where we talked about crewing and mentioned worked with a core crew, i thought photo might be appropirate this is myself with (im the one with the union jack shirt) most of my core crew. These guys have worked and working on all three of my projects below An Oktober Carol , film for the two week challenge Mortus Illumina - The one coming out of post shortly Silva Superior - The One in pre production twitter From where we talked about crewing and mentioned worked with a core crew, i thought photo might be appropirate this is myself with (im the one with the union jack shirt) most of my core crew. These guys have worked and working on all three of my projects below An Oktober Carol , film for the two week challenge Mortus Illumina - The one coming out of post shortly Silva Superior - The One in pre production Twitter Contact me  if you would like to talk movies or video making on Video 20 Questions [contact-form 1 "Contact form 1"]