Grateful for love, for my heart (30 min)

Happy Mind: Meditations from the Ancient World to Modernity show

Summary: <p>There is an old saying that home is where the heart is. But like many old sayings, there are many layers to this phrase. It doesn’t just mean that we can be happy and safe and at rest (i.e. at home) where our loved ones are. Home can also be understood as our true nature or our true self. In this sense, we can see why the heart has played the role throughout the ages of the bridge to the mystical or magical parts of the self; we can see why it has been seen as the door separating our lower, physical self from our higher, numinal self. Today we are going to bridge that divide.</p><br><p>Your heart is also the place your emotional self feels and expresses love. When you feel loved by someone, it glows and you can feel the love and the joy and the completeness coursing through your whole body. When you are feeling rejected or unloved, your whole body aches in response. The heart is the seat of love in your body. And love is the closest we can come to experiencing heaven in this body of ours. So sit back, relax, and open yourself to a meditation of gratitude for the power of your heart.</p><br><hr><p style="color: grey; font-size: 0.75em;"> See <a style="color: grey;" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=""></a> for privacy and opt-out information.</p>