Let Go of Letting Go (15 min)

Happy Mind: Meditations from the Ancient World to Modernity show

Summary: <p>Meditation has the ability to make you feel great. And it has all sorts of health benefits. But the question is whether it can really fundamentally change your inherent baseline emotional state; whether it can address the sorts of reactions that seem to unconsciously creep in to your day to day life. The secret to extending the benefits of meditation is to learn to let your feelings just be; to learn to honor the space in which these feelings live. You can learn to allow whatever the negative feeling or reaction is to be the content of your awareness. And instead of getting lost in that content, you can learn to shift your focus onto the fact that the content is just that, the content. And you are the one who is placing and keeping your attention on these feelings, on this content. You are NOT the feelings themselves and the feelings are NOT real. So, it is time to let go of trying to let go of them. It is time to learn to just allow them to be at the same time as you remember they aren’t real. But that isn’t as easy as it sounds. So, let’s practice that together now. </p><br><p>NOTE: This is a 15 minute version of the Let Go of Letting Go episode</p><br><hr><p style="color: grey; font-size: 0.75em;"> See <a style="color: grey;" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://acast.com/privacy">acast.com/privacy</a> for privacy and opt-out information.</p>