These Are My People, My Family 01/03/2016

Gospel Life Church show

Summary: <p>What's the relationship between Israel and the Church?<br><br>Text: Ephesians 2:11-22<br>1. How many times is the word peace used between vv. 14-17? ANSWER: 4<br>2. What is the verb used in v. 16 that performs the action bringing peace? ANSWER: Reconcile<br>3. What is the definition of reconcile?<br>ANSWER: "to make friendly relations between, to bring into agreement or harmony, to restore.<br>4. How did Jesus make peace between us and God? <br>5. What was the cause of us being separated from God? <br>6. Have you experienced reconciliation between you and God? Please explain.<br>7. How does Jesus give you peace in the midst of conflict?<br>8. The text speaks of reconciliation not only with God, but also reconciliation between Jews and Gentiles. How have you experienced division or alienation in your life? Have you experienced division or alienation as a result of becoming a Christian? Please explain.<br>9. In what ways do you struggle letting Jesus and your faith be your primary identity? Do you have people in your life that would not know you are a Christian?<br>10. How can you be an agent of peace and reconciliation in your family and in your church?</p>