Spiritual Gifts Descriptions Cautions 3/13/2016

Gospel Life Church show

Summary: <p>1 Corinthians 12:7–11<br><br>1. How important is the using of our gifts to being a Christian? Why or why not? How would you answer from Scripture? See especially Matthew 25:26.<br><br>2a. Do you have an idea of what your spiritual gifts might be even though we haven't listed them all yet? Please explain.<br><br>2b. If you don't have any idea what your gifts are, what do you plan to do to discover what they are?<br><br>3. How have you been using your gifts and what results have you seen?<br><br>4. What are your goals for 2016 in the exercise of your gifts?<br><br>5. We discussed the gift of "wisdom." Do you believe you have this gift? Please explain.<br><br>6. Who do you know that might have this gift? Do you have a person in your life that you go to for wisdom when making important decisions or do you tend to make them in isolation?<br><br>7. Do people come to you for wisdom and counsel? If not, why do you think that is?<br><br>8. What was your response to the explanation of the gift of knowledge? <br><br>9. How could this gift be abused?<br><br>10. How could someone with this gift use it in the context of the local church?<br><br>11. We discussed the gift of faith? Do you know anyone who might have this gift?<br><br>12. How would having someone in your life with this gift benefit you? <br><br>13 Regarding the gift of healing, what was the caution we gave? Does God heal every time?<br><br>14. How is this gift usually exercised, through what context? <br><br>15. What was the main emphasis of the definition of the gift of prophesy?<br><br>16. What text did we reference that helps us stay balanced especially w/ reference to this gift? 1 Thess 5:19-22.<br><br>17. As far as speaking in tongues, what were the boundaries that Paul established in 1 Corinthians 14:26-27, &amp; 14:40?<br><br>18. Does understanding other people's behavior through the lens of their giftedness allow you to have more compassion and love for them? Please explain.</p>